Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tear Down to Rebuild- Part 1

This lesson comes from a rude awakening that started one sleepless night. As I lay awake, I asked God to show me my sin so that I could be healed. Well, I meant that in the singular… sin! God took it in the plural  “sins” and began to expose my many sins through what has become a week of sleepless nights.

As I began searching scripture, I was taken to Ezekiel 36. Ezekiel is prophesying to the nation. He is telling them that that the hand of the Lord will be upon them. God’s anger will burn against them for their sins. As I read, these words spoke to my heart…

I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols.

My initial thought was, “What? Me? Idols? No way!” Then God went on to lead me to the book of 2 Kings 23. 

Josiah, began his 31 year reign at age 8. He lived the way the Lord wanted him to live. As the temple was being rebuilt, the Book of God's Revelation (2 Kings 22:8) was found. Josiah knew that God’s anger was burning against the people because they did not obey the words of the law. They had not acted in accordance with all that was written in it. Josiah had it read to the people, and they agreed that it was time to return to the Lord. Josiah required that all pagan priests be removed, all the Asherah poles be torn down and burned to the ground. The high places were desecrated. No one was to sacrifice to any other god. The chariots that were dedicated to the sun were burned. The temple prostitutes were removed and the shrines torn down. The list goes on and on. Josiah did not stop until all the idols and the lifestyles that supported those idols were destroyed. He even slaughtered the pagan priests! He left no stone unturned! Josiah began a revival! 

Can you imagine, they didn’t even know the scrolls were in the temple? Makes me wonder what was read on the Sabbath and who wasn’t listening! They didn’t even know the truth of God’s word! As I read this passage, I clearly heard God say, “Today is no different!” This changed the way I read for the rest of the night. Every time I read the word Israel, I thought of my family, of Monroe, of my community. Do we also have the Bible in our homes, neatly placed on a shelf, stored in a cabinet, or better yet… a fixture on the end table for all to see? But truly, is it all but forgotten? We as a people are living as they did during the time of Kings. Our idols sit right next to the alter where we worship God. We have allowed pagan gods to hold the throne in our lives and in our homes or at least have equal position next to the alter of God. We must do as Josiah did… tear down the idols! Josiah didn’t just ‘reprioritize’. He could have just torn down the Asherah poles. But he didn’t. He had them burned so that no one would return to that place of worship. He destroyed the idols completely. We must do the same. It is time for revival!

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