Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Come to the Buffet!

I felt prompted to learn about "Real Love." I looked around me, watched people, prayed about love. But nothing came to me. I asked God to show me.  The following scripture came to me through devotionals at least 4 times over 2 weeks. The final time was while flipping on the TV, which I very rarely even turn on. As the TV came on it was tuned in to a Christian public network station. As the screen brightened I heard the same verse once again, though this time being declared from a large boisterous pastor as he spoke in a confident, assertive voice: 

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” 
Ps 34:8

It was clear! Confirmed! The only way to find out about God’s love is to “taste and see”. The word ‘taste’ is a verb. An action. An experience. 
To experience God, we must step out in faith to fully experience him. No more passiveness! You would never pay to eat at a buffet, watch other people eat but never take a bite yourself. Can you imagine just sitting at a table and saying, “Oh I love the way you’re enjoying that chocolate cake.” Or perhaps, “That steak is so juicy and tender. I’m so glad I got to watch you eat it!”
 It’s ludicrous to think that anyone would attend a pizza party as a spectator and then leave feeling joyful and satisfied. 
As Christians we too often live as ‘second hand Christians.’ We hear of others experiencing God, and we live off of the bits that others share with us. But God wants us to experience His love first hand. He wants to speak directly to our needs, to pour his love on us. So, we need to get into his Word and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide and direct, empower and equip, change and renew. 
Tasting is the most satisfying when we are truly hungry. I’m not talking about experiencing God as a snack… a little morsel to carry us till the next snack.  I’m talking about a full on buffet…on an empty stomach! 
I long to learn more of His love for me and to change my heart to one of real love. I want to experience true, deep, Godly love first for my God, then for my man, my family, friends, and others.
Are you hungry? Do you long to be satisfied? Join me to “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” Challenge yourself to do more than just read what God’s put on my heart. Go into His Word each day on your own. He has a message just for you about his love!

Discover for yourself that the Lord is kind.
Come to him for protection,and you will be glad. Ps 34:8 CEV

Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him.  Ps 34:8 MS

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