Monday, October 28, 2013

He Makes Me Smile!

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God- soon I’ll be smiling again. He puts a smile on my face. He’s my God! Ps 42:11

God makes me smile! He is not only loving and compassionate, but he is funny! Let me explain. I was having a pretty good week. I’d really been clinging to God. I felt him meeting my every need. His peace abounded in the deepest parts of my heart and obeying came easier than most times. And then it happened... I let the pain in my heart take over. I took control of my own life. Well, what I mean is I spewed venom, I spoke out of turn, let loose with my thoughts, and wham! I feel right back into the old me. Sadness took over my heart. I shamed His name again. I hurt feelings, let anger run me, and I couldn’t take it back. I apologized to God, but for a few moments I had a hard time receiving his grace. 

That’s when God made me laugh. I picked up my purse and saw my phone was lit up so  I assumed I had a missed call or text. As I pulled the phone closer I noticed that it was open to my notes and a passage was showing. It said: 

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God- soon I’ll be smiling again. He puts a smile on my face. He’s my God! Ps 42:11

I read the scripture and chuckled. I hadn’t been in my “notes” all day. The fact that my phone was open to this scripture was what I call a “God thing!” He reminded me that I’m human. I will make mistakes. It’s why He died and why I need a savior! He gave everything because he knows I’m not perfect. He knows I’ll make mistakes, and it’s ok. He knows how hard I am on myself when I fall, and He loves me anyway. He reminded me that I must rely on HIm for everything, all the time. 

As I pondered these things, I laughed out loud again. He met me right where I was! And he reminded me to refocus, to keep my eyes on the real reason I'm living this life- HIM!

Thank you Lord for your timing, your grace, and your love of my soul!
Amen & Amen!

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