Let the word of Christ - The Message - have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God. Let every detail in your lives - words, actions, whatever - be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.
Colossians 3:16,17
I have a list a mile long of all the things that need done around my house. I have dusting, sweeping, laundry, grocery shopping, dirty bathrooms, homework and supper to prepare.......and I am supposed to do this with a smile on my face! I am supposed to sing my heart out to God and do all this in the name of Jesus Christ? How do I wash a window for God?
I have been pondering this scripture for the last couple days. I tend to forget the importance of being a stay at home mom. I also tend to compare myself to mothers who work. I think they are so amazing for being able to work full time and take care of their home and their family......I could never ever do it! I admire these women so much for their energy and time management. I also tend to feel like this scripture applies to them and not me, after all, how do I fold clothes for God and sweep my floor to His Glory? At least people who work get to communicate with others. They are in contact with people all day and are put into many situations where they can share God and take part in His divine appointments. I don’t think that toilet down the hall is in need of an encouraging word or a divine conversation. No, I am just here, cleaning all day and this scripture doesn’t really apply to me.......
Oh but it does!! God’s word is for all and He commands us all the same. Does Jesus need his room swept or His dishes washed? Not necessarily, but He does want my focus on Him and if those are the activities that I am participating in, then by golly, I better be involving Him. Whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, you must do all for the Glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
So all weekend I have been trying to get a picture of what that looks like in my life......how do I commit every action to God? He may not need the things I am doing and my mopping the floors may not be all that important when it comes to my eternity. I may be alone all day doing these things and I can’t Glorify Him for people to see, so how does this apply to me? I can simply Honor God through my actions! The most important thing I should be doing is thanking Him for His provision! I am in need of nothing! I have a beautiful home, money to buy clothes and cleaning supplies and time alone during the day to get things done! Yes, I should wake up every day thanking God for the opportunity I am given to get my work done during the day and then my evenings are free with my family. I could be praising God while I clean......there is nothing better than praise music cranked throughout the house.....I can sing my heart out while I sweep the floor or dust furniture, and praise God I am alone so it doesn’t matter how bad I sound! I can work my hardest to show God how thankful I am. My intentions should be towards loving the One who loves me. No matter what I am doing He should be first on my mind and I need to be praising Him in all things. He is the reason for my existence!
What have I just done here? I have changed my perspective and this is how all of my sayings and doings, when I am alone, will impact others. When our perspective changes and we focus on God and doing everything for Him we are much happier people. We smile more because we are happy.......followed by more patience, followed by more compassion and the list continues. When we do everything for God and we commit to honoring Him in all that we do, we see things differently......we become more thankful and more aware of the people and needs around us. Yes, we begin to look like Christ! God doesn’t just want us to praise Him and glorify Him. No, it’s much deeper than that..........He knows the change that happens in our hearts when we put Him first. He knows that when we commit our lives to Him......when we do everything to honor Him, we are first thinking of Him, and that is ultimately how we glorify Him.
So put God first on your minds by doing everything for Him whether your a teacher, a doctor, retired or a stay at home mom. Throughout your day, be sure to thank God and ask yourself how you can honor Him through your words, actions and whatever! Change your perspective and sing, sing your hearts out to God! Yes, this is gonna be a hard one for me.....I tend to think of the things I have to do instead of praising God for the things I get to do!
Please God show us all the importance of a changed perspective and putting you first in our thoughts. Help us make the transition from complaining and going through the motions to praising you and committing our every word and action to you. We wish to share your light with the world and Glorify You in everything we do.
Amen and Amen
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