Sunday, October 13, 2013

Eye On Eternity

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
2 Timothy 3:12

Sounds so not fun doesn’t it?  The first time I read this verse, it taught me nothing I hadn’t heard in the past.  But, as I read it again, I began to see something different.  As Christians we shouldn’t choose to be followers of Christ to get anything in return.  This scripture explains it clearly that we won’t have an easy life just because we choose to accept Christ as our savior.  No, this speaks the opposite.  Following Christ Jesus will bring persecution and suffering.  

We shouldn’t be choosing to know Christ and live a godly life for the things it will bring us here on earth.  We must choose for the sole reason of living a life dedicated to God.  We choose God so that we can obey Him and love Him and love others.  We choose Jesus Christ for an eternity in Heaven with our Maker.  The eternal perspective of knowing God is what should be driving us to live like Christ. 

Every choice we make here on earth is in preparation for eternity.  The people we love and share with, the children we raise to know God.  Every time we choose faith over fear or obedience over our own desires and share it with the world we are sharing God because we care about the eternal lives of those around us.  There is no guarantee that the life we live, as Christians, will bring happiness and success or perfection.  No, we will indeed suffer persecution.  Why on earth would we choose that?  Because, in the end, we will have the most beautiful homecoming and be given the most perfect prize.  Nothing on earth or in our earthly lives could ever compare to the eternal gift we will receive when we die.  

To live like Christ is suffering as He did.  Jesus didn’t choose to obey God for the great things he would receive on earth. No, Jesus obeyed God because He cared for our eternity and the eternity He would get to enjoy in the end.  Living godly in Christ is keeping our eyes on eternity for ourselves and those around us.  It has nothing to do with the gifts we receive on earth.  After all, what gifts did Jesus receive?  Constant criticism, and death on a cross......not exactly my idea of a perfect, happy life. 

** God Blesses those who are persecuted because they live for God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.    Matthew 5:10

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