Saturday, October 19, 2013

Go Now!

“Go now and remember I am sending you out as lambs among wolves.  Don’t take along any money, or a traveler’s bag, or even an extra pair of sandals.  And don’t stop to greet anyone on the road.  
Luke 10:3-4

Oh the faith of these 72!  The fear that must have rushed over them as they heard their master telling them to head out into the world where they would be like lambs among wolves.  Just imagine the conversation in their heads.  Wolves hunt lambs don’t they?  Wolves are wild, scary animals who are always looking for their next meal.  And what was that.........I can’t take anything with me?  How will I defend myself?  How will I eat, how will I survive?  He won’t even let me stop along the way.  Well, that shoots down my procrastinating and taking my sweet time.    

There were 36 teams of two sent out that day, to reach the multitudes.  They were people just like you and me.  They most likely had families they were leaving behind.  Some were leaving good jobs and their financial security.  They all had one goal in mind and that was to find more workers for the harvest and share the Good News.  

We too are asked to go out into the world filled with wolves.  God wants us to share His word with the world.  He delights when we share His stories and promises.  He calls us His lambs.........He is our shepherd watching over us keeping us safe and providing our every need.  When wolves approach we are to trust in Him.  We aren’t to take items to protect us, we aren’t supposed to fight back.  Jesus commands us to approach the wolves with the humility, love and gentleness of a lamb.  Oh and there is that issue about not stopping.  God doesn’t want us waisting any time.

The time is now to leave what you are doing and listen to our Shepherd's command.  Go now and share His stories!  Go now and tell someone about His love and promises!    

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