Tuesday, October 15, 2013

No More Excuses!

If you wait for the perfect conditions you will never get anything done.
Ecclesiastes 11:4

It makes perfect sense.  Waiting only leads to more waiting......The importance of doing something when it is on our mind instead of putting it off, because we all know that our excuse is just that......a reason or explanation to defend or justify a fault or offense.  We use excuses, in my case most usually related to time management, to justify the fact that we aren’t willing to spend time with God.  There I said it!  For too long I chose to use my lifestyle, my children, and my husband to justify getting to know God.        

As Christians we all know the importance of knowing God and reading His word so why do we wait for the perfect conditions to meet with Him?  At every point in my life I have found excuses to why I didn’t have time for God.  Even as I share them with you they sound like good excuses.  During college my reason was usually that I was too busy with homework, not to mention the time I put into athletic training, I had to work most Sundays so I didn’t have time for church.  I didn’t know any active Christians to do a bible study with.  As a young mother my excuses were plenty.  My kids are too young and I don’t have time to get away for a bible study. My kids need my attention, what good mother ignores her children and spends alone time in the bedroom with her bible?  My kids are a handful my husband wouldn’t be able to handle me being gone one night every week.  When my kids are all in school I will have more time to spend with God.  After I tuck the kids into bed I will have quiet time to read my devotions (Hahaha my favorite, I don’t know about you, but my husband gets mad at me because I fall asleep so easily, how on earth did I ever think that would work?)  Most every excuse revolved around time management and I chose, for too long, to put everything first on my schedule.  Bible study came last and bible reading was mostly non existent.  For years I was waiting for the perfect conditions so that spending time with God could fit into my schedule.  

About 4 years ago I decided my life was going to change.  I was so sick of putting God second on my list and I made a choice to put Him first.  It took some creative time management and a wonderful accountability partner but I finally got to the point in my life that I anticipated my time with God and I was sure to make time for Him, no matter what.  No longer is making time for Him a burden, although there are still days when I put Him off.  Unfortunately this scripture still screams at me, but now for different reasons.  Now my excuses are to justify my not sharing the Word with people.  Excuses such as I’m not smart enough, what will people think of me, and who am I to help someone with an issue I have never experienced, are just a few.  This scripture is telling me that the conditions to share may never be perfect.  Yes, people may not be willing to listen, they may think I am crazy or even get mad at me but its not my job to make the conditions right or wait until they improve.  It is only my job to do as God asks of me when He asks me.  When I get a nudging from Him it’s my job to do it, plain and simple.  

What is it that you are waiting on?  Your kids to grow up, your spouse to join you, your friends to ask you, your personal life to improve, your sin to be excused?  What are you using to justify putting off what God is calling you to do?  Be honest with yourself and with God.  Ask Him to reveal it to you and make a decision to change.   

Dear God, forgive me for all the times I used Your gifts to justify my not having enough time for you. Forgive me for doubting the wisdom you provide.  God, give us courage to do what it is you are calling us to do.  Don’t let us put you off for one more day!  Convince us that every day is the right day to spend time with you, and that every day is the perfect day to share you with the world.  

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