Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Growing In The Lord (Part 1)

I read 2 Peter 1:5-8 the other day and I decided to break it down and meditate on it so that I could really understand what it meant and I could better apply it and claim it in my own life.  It consists of a promise to all believers and the characters that we all have the ability to possess if we allow the word of God to change our lives.  Over the next couple of days I am going to share what I learned.  I am going to break down each sentence explaining key words that give the sentence meaning and bring understanding to what Peter was talking about.  My notes are all over the place so bear with me as I try to present this in a way that you can follow.  Please read all of 2 Peter 1:5-8

(V. 5) So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life. Then your faith will produce a  life of moral excellence.

First of all we need to go back and see what these promises are.  In verse 3 we will see that Peter is telling the people that, as they know Jesus better, His power will give them everything they need for living a godly life.  In verse 4 Peter states that God has promised that we can live a life that escapes decadence caused by evil desires and that we can share in His divine nature.  As believers we can live a life that overcomes our evil desires, we don't have to be ruled by them or fall to their temptation!   Then in the following scripture, that we will be discussing, Peter has listed the character traits that Jesus Christ possessed which made up His divine nature.  This is the same divine nature that we too can possess in our own lives!  Peter is telling the believers to make sure to take advantage of this promise.  He wants all believers, everywhere, to apply these promises, to cash in on this by taking on the characteristics of Christ.  

Moral excellence is when someone is willing to declare his faith even when it is unpopular or may bring on suffering.  The greek word, "arete" is described as living by and declaring one's convictions, even if unpopular.  Words mentioned in place of this greek word are: integrity, virtue and moral excellence.  For us to possess this moral excellence we have to be willing to stand by our convictions and speak up for what we believe and for the God Whom we believe in.  We need to follow His commands even when it is unpopular and withstand the ridicule and persecutions that might follow our belief.   

But Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king.  He asked the chief official for permission to eat other things instead. 
Daniel 1:8

Although Daniel was in a culture that did not honor God, he still obeyed God's commands.  His witness to God outweighed any fear of punishment for turning down the royal food offered by the king.  Daniel was a man of moral excellence.  He wasn't afraid to continue following God's commands even when he could be persecuted or killed for even mentioning God's name.  You and I can posses that same moral excellence if we choose to believe that we have the power to do so.  If we would believe in God's promise to protect us and keep us under His wings we could confidently stay true to God and our convictions without fear of what punishment might result.  We can posses the characteristics of Christ and live a life that mirrors Him!  It is possible and expected that we at least try.  God will give us the power to succeed!

(V5 cont.) A life of moral excellence leads to knowing God better.

To know someone is personal knowledge.  We can know facts about a person and never know him or her.  Knowing someone takes action.  There must be communication and it is something we each must do for ourselves.  For example, as a  student athletic trainer, at Purdue University,  I held many conversations with Drew Brees.  I can say that I know him.  I can tell my boys all about our conversations and the things I learned about him but they will never really know him unless they have their own conversations with him.  They can even know every stat he ever produced and all about his football career and his children's names.  They can seem to know more about him than I do, but the fact is they are just facts.  They know about him but they do not know Him personally.  

If we don't personally dig into God's word and get to know Who He is by reading, praying and praising then we won't ever know Him.  It's not enough to read our blogs or listen to someone else tell you about God, although that can add to your knowledge, you can't really get to know Him personally if you don't have your own conversations with him.  Knowing God opens the door to having the power to possess all of these beautiful characteristics mentioned in 2 Peter 1:3-5.  

Dear God, I desire a life of moral excellence.  Give me confidence today that gives me the power to trust in you completely and stay true to my convictions even when persecution or ridicule might follow.  I believe in your promises!  I know that your power is enough to help me live a life like Christ and that I am able to overcome evil desires to serve You and stay true to You.  I commit to knowing You, Lord.  Work on my heart and help me to keep my word.  In Jesus' Name......Amen       


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