Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Free to be Wrong

"There is no condemnation forth those who belong to Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1

God does not judge us for our sin, past, present, and future, when we are hidden in Christ. In Christ, our sins are covered. Upon repentance and true asking we are forgiven. No Guilt! No shame! No condemnation!

Condemnation: is the act of condemning someone to a punishment, to sentence
Conviction: is the process of finding someone guilty of a crime, the compelling of a person to admit the truth

Rather, through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, God convicts Christians to admit their guilt. He presents the evidence to us, through the Bible, that we have broken the law, His righteous and holy law. Believers who are walking in step with the Spirit can readily admit wrong. Why? Because they know they have a holy reverence for God's justness to punish sin and they also have an understanding of God's grace that has already bore the punishment. It's OK to be wrong, because my wrong doesn't change God's love for me! Being wrong is OK because in admitting my guilt I'm set free, no sentence, just grace and love. 

Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong? If so, pray that God will help you understand more deeply his grace and forgiveness. Friend, I want you to live free!

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