Thursday, October 1, 2015

You Can!

But Moses pleaded with the Lord, "O Lord, I'm not very good with words.  I never have been, and I'm not now, even though you have spoken to me.  I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.
Exodus 4:10 NLT

Has God laid a dream on your heart or has He asked you to do something, or go someplace, that you feel too inadequate to accomplish?  Do you have an excuse, like Moses, that says you can't do that thing God is calling you to do?  Take comfort knowing that no matter what the task, if it is from God, then you will succeed.  For someone who was not comfortable speaking, and most likely stuttered with words, leading a huge group of people into the wilderness and being in charge of them was not something he was comfortable with.  Moses wanted to trust God, but in his weakness he did not see a way to get around his disability.  But God sees our weakness; He knows exactly how to help us and make us strong and usable and successful. 

Some said Paul's speeches were weak and worthless (2 Corinthians 10:10), yet God gave Him authority and boldness to convert thousands of people to Christianity.  Paul just had to respond in obedience and then God's power did the rest of the work.  God sees an opening in our weakness and uses it to show His glory and might in any situation.  That is why we are to boast in our weakness becuase in our weakness God makes us strong.

Jeremiah was a young man when God called him to be a prophet of Judah.  He exclaimed, "I can't speak for you!  I'm too young!"(Jeremiah 1:6)  But God saw something more.  God saw an open heart and a willing spirit.  In fact, that is all God needs to perfom miracles through us.  The same power that healed the sick and brought many to believe in Jesus Christ is the same power that we have to accomplish the things God lays on our hearts!  We should never let our doubts trump the power of God and we should not let our fears and inadequacy keep us from obeying God's call.  If God gives us a job to do then we can count on Him giving us the ability to do it and succeed.  

God you are awesome.  I think on the things I have accomplished in my life and I see the areas that were impossible without you.  Help me to have a willing heart to hear you and obey you.  Give me the ability to succeed for you and the confidence to lay down my weakness and trust in my power through you.   Amen        

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