Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Are you Resolved to Do the Right Thing?

But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself in this way. Daniel 1:8

Jerusalem had just been conquered by Babylon and Daniel was taken from his homeland. He would be trained in Babylon as one of the King's advisors. He was taken, as were other men and women, because he was wise, handsome, and from a family of nobility. King Nebuchadnezzar was showing his power and dominance over the people of Jerusalem through this act. These foreigners would now serve him.

Upon arrival in Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar changed Daniel's Hebrew name (meaning God is my Judge) to Beltheshazzar, after the chief Babylonian god. Daniel would be groomed and trained in how to serve the king before he was presented to the king for service. 

When it came time to eat, Daniel was presented with royal food and wine. However, he would not eat from the king's table. He asked the chief official to allow him to eat only vegetables and water. 

Scripture says he 'resolved' not to defile himself with the food and wine. Perhaps the food was unclean (such as pork) by Hebrew law or perhaps Daniel resolved not to depend on the king for his generous favors. Either way, Daniel would not eat from the king's feast. Daniel didn't just ask to be excused from a meal. He 'resolved' not to eat from this table.

Resolve by definition means to come to a definite and earnest decision. I love this about Daniel. He was committed to honoring God no matter what. Resolve means he was adamant about it. He wasn't going to change his mind. Daniel would not compromise his God!

What a lesson we can learn from Daniel! Before he was placed in a position of possible compromise, Daniel already knew what he would and would not do! He resolved to honor God no matter what! How about you? Do you have firm convictions in your faith. Have you resolved ahead of time how you will respond when placed in various situations? 

Are you resolved to be honest even when the truth is hard to speak and unfavorable consequences stand before you? If we truly love God and trust that speaking truth will honor God and bring about healthy relationships then we need to stand on truth!  

Are you committed to your church and church family? If we love the Lord, then we will love the church. By honoring our church family we are honoring the Lord. What we say and do inside and outside the church reflects our love for it! Are you resolved to tithe?

Have you resolved to reserve sex for marriage? Do you honor your body as the Lord's dwelling place? Have you resolved to honor Him with your time? There are many situations addressed in scripture about our lifestyle, behaviors, and decisions. This verse reminds me of the country song by Aaron Tippin, "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything!" We have to resolve to stand on God's word so that we aren't duped into actions that dishonor Him and ourselves. 

Our faith journey is not easy. But one way we can make the journey easier is to have resolve on matters of faith. We must make definite and earnest decisions based on God's word. God is not gray about matters. He is clear and definitive, and we must be also!

Dear Lord,
It is hard to stand firm in moments of weakness or pressure. Help me to resolve ahead of time to know and stand on your word no matter what. Give me the kind of faith Daniel had; Give me a faith that does not waiver in times of temptation. Thank you, Lord, for developing Christ-like convictions within me. Amen

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