Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Suffering For The Good Of Others

I want to report to you, friends, that my imprisonment here has had the opposite of its intended effect.  Instead of being squelched, the Message has actually prospered.  All the soldiers here, and everyone else, too, found out that I'm in jail because of this Messiah.  That piqued their curiosity, and now they've learned all about him.  Not only that, but most of the followers of Jesus here have become far more sure of themselves in the faith than ever, speaking out fearlessly about God, about the Messiah.
Philippeans 1:12-14 MSG

Paul could have given up.  He had every reason to use his knowledge and reason that what he was doing was dangerous.  He could have chosen to quit after he began experiencing danger and imprisonment for preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ, telling himself that God wouldn't want this pain for him or God wouldn't want to keep him in this position.  But Paul was brave and selfless and he understood the call on his life.  He wasn't about to let his circumstances stop him.  Instead, he understood that his suffering wasn't as important as what he did during his suffering and how he responded to the negative circumstances in his life.  He vowed to stick with Jesus and he stood firm on his call to forever work towards making new believers in Christ.  While he was imprisoned he was encouraged by the positive things he saw.  There were soldiers who were won for Christ, and young believers gaining boldness to share the Good News in a time when it was dangerous to proclaim Jesus as Messiah.  This all gave him strength to continue.  Instead of hyperfocusing on his ill circumstances, he chose to pursue God's plan for his suffering.  He believed His suffering was for the betterment of others and he was willing to continue whether in life or through death.

We all have the same calling that Paul had.  God asks us all to spread the Gospel and make disciples reaching to the ends of the world.  No matter what our circumstances, He can use them to make disciples.  He can use our illness, our loss, our pain, our lack of funds, and even our sinful past to help others find Jesus Christ.  He doesn't promise that it will be easy, in fact, like Paul, most of us will have to go throught some hellish times.  We will have to experience real hurt and major loss, but if we handle it like Paul handled his suffering, we can be sure that our suffering will have the opposite of its intended effect.  Yes, satan wants to see us lose and suffer.  His main goal in causing us pain is to make us give up and drag others down with us.  Satan's purpose for decieving us and bringing us illness and suffering is to make us mad and sad and ultimately give up causing others in our midst to give up too.  

Friends, I know it's not easy.  I know things can get really bad and make you want to give up but don't.  Dig deep begging God for His strength to sustain you and vow to stick to His call on your life.  Make disciples and strengthen believers through your dire circumstances!  Don't focus on your hurt but on the good that can come from your hurt.  Don't look at your circusmstances without seeing the good you can do while you are there!

Father God, help me to see my suffering in a different way.  Dont' let me get selfish and think of only myself but give me the strength of Paul to use my suffering to draw others to You.  Let my circumstances have the opposite of its inteded effect and use my suffering to discourage satan from messing with me ever again.  Help me to show him that you are my strength and my shield and You will fight this battle and bring me and those around me victory.  Help me to be confident and strong and most importantly lead others closer to You.  In Jesus' Name     Amen              

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