Monday, April 27, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Spring calls for clean up.  In Indiana we have to take advantage of the warmer, sunny days to get our outside work caught up.  There is fertilizer to be laid down, edging, trimming, mowing, planting, mulching, and pruning.  As I was cleaning up my flower bed yesterday I was brought to the place in scripture were Jesus describes the body of Christ as a big grape vine.  In John 15 He states, 

"I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardner.  He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn't produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. 
John 15:1-2

We all know why we cut off the branches that are dead.  It isn't hard to see that a branch is no longer producing fruit, it sticks out and is easily noticed, especially when there are no leaves flourishing.  If left unattended eventually the whole tree can be infected.  Those branches that do not produce must be removed.  This describes the people who aren't producing fruit for God.  The people who try to thwart God's plans and work against Him must be removed so as to not infect the whole body of believers.  They are "cut off" from God's life-giving power.  

The branches that do produce are cut back also.  This is where I have always had trouble in my garden.  I hate cutting off live parts of my bushes, especially those that flower.  I know that they will grow back, and that the purpose of doing so will allow them to grow bigger and produce more flowers, but I often have a hard time cutting back something that looks so good and that has been producing such wonderful results.  I believe God feels the same way when it is time to prune us back.  It isn't easy disciplining those we love, to see them sad, struggling, and suffering.  Sometimes we must be disciplined or undergo trials but always remember, God isn't pleased with the pain we endure but He is more concerned with the growth that comes from the pain.  He knows we will have difficult times during our personal pruning but the results will bring bigger faith, larger fruit and stronger branches.  He knows what is best for us, just like we know what is best for our garden.  But unlike me, God is willing to take risks, He is bold and confident in His plan to succeed.  He isn't afraid we won't bounce back from our pruning, He knows we will endure and grow bigger and better than before.  I think it's about time I trust in Him with not only my personal pruning but with my flower beds as well.

Dear God, thank you for spring.  Your promise of renewal and starting over and your reminder of how we fit into your life-giving vine.  As hard as it can be sometimes, please continue to prune me into who you dream for me to be.  Give me the strength to let you shape me and the ability for my faith to grow back even bigger than it was.  I want to please you by loving and obeying.  Give me opportunities to grow and serve produce much fruit on the vine of Life.
  In Jesus' Name  Amen  

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