Thursday, April 9, 2015

Season's Of Change

If you carefully obey all the commands I am giving you today, and if you love the Lord your God and serve him with all your heart and soul, then he will send the rains in their proper seasons - the early and late rains - so you can bring in your harvests of grain, new wine, and olive oil.
Deuteronomy 11:13-14

I am transitioning out of one season to the next, and although this is true in nature as I see signs of spring all around me, I also see a big change in my family and personal life, as well.  We all have these moments, some call them the empty nest stage, the honeymoon phase, or the sow your wild oats phase, just to name a few.  Let's face it, our lives are filled with different stages as the things around us and within us start to change.  Nothing in this world is unchanging, accept for our God.  

This week I started noticing change within my family and home.  The changes have left me with more time alone, something a stay at home mom does not least this one!!  So as you can imagine I began feeling a little down, and somewhat sorry for myself, missing what used to be and feeling sure that this new normal was going to be a bad thing.  My kids are growing way too fast and the foster children I began to get so used to having around have all left.  Instead of embracing my new season of life I immediately started to fight it.  I was getting a bad attitude and thankfully I saw my God First Friends last night!!  To me my issue was real and it bothered me and of course I thought my world was crashing, I couldn't handle what I imagined was change I didn't need in my life.  As I described this change that I was struggling with I looked at one of the girls and saw the words season come from her lips, I can't even tell you it I heard the word or anything else anyone said accept for that 6 letter word.  Honestly, she probably doesn't even know who she was or even remember saying anything it was that was God.  She was right, God was right!  This too was just a change in an ever changing world that I needed to embrace because if I am trusting God then I would know that He knows what I need and when I need it.  

The scripture above, although talking about God providing wet and dry seasons for crops, spoke to my heart.  "He will send the rains in their proper seasons", the rain being the change in my life, God will send me change at just the right time.  He knows what I need when I need it and if it's quiet at home, and I am alone, then it's my job to find out what He wants from me during this time.  It is my job to draw closer to Him in this new season and make the best of it.  What I see as nothing but loneliness could be Him calling me to Him or providing me more time to write or reach out to others.  Whatever His plan, although I may never know it exactly, I can be sure that it is for the best, and if all I do is complain about it and see the things I don't like about it then I will never be able to see the good in it.  

Dear God, thank you for providing the change I need to live in Your will.  I may never understand how You work or what Your plan is for me but You have proven Yourself time and again that You can be trusted.  I know that you are what's best for my life and I love You so much!  Help me to obey Your will for me and to acknowledge when change is from You.  Speak to me, lead me, show me where to go from here.  What are you asking of this new season of my life?  Amen            

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