Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Weak Grip

But God released him from the horrors of death and raised him back to life, for death could not keep him in its grip.
Acts 2:24

As Good Friday quickly approaches we are reminded of the great miracle of Easter.  I try to imagine being Jesus' follower and close friend, watching Him suffer in a manner so unimaginable.  Knowing what I knew about Him, his abundant kindness, power and gentleness, how could anyone treat him as a criminal?  And not just any criminal, the worst of the worst.......he was flogged, mocked, spit on and tortured!  This beautiful, loving man was misunderstood!  I would cry out for my friend and fall to my knees in hurt and despair, almost feeling His pain all while grieving the loss of my friend.  But, praise God the story does not end in death and sadness because God 'released him from the horrors of death and raised him back to life' and my favorite part..........."FOR DEATH COULD NOT KEEP HIM IN ITS GRIP!!

I imagine this picture........satan and a fiery hell trying to hold on to Jesus with all its strength but one word from God is all it would take to release Jesus.  The power in One word, One look, One command.  Our God, our Father, is this Almighty Power.  He is the author of this master plan to save all humans.  He devised a plan so great and mysterious so without a doubt we would know that we are saved from sin.  Had Jesus stayed dead there would be nothing to celebrate, no proof of God's power over the world.  Nothing would separate our God from the other gods accept this one truth,  Jesus Lives!!  Everything Jesus said came true and He can be trusted!  He is alive and with us at all times!  We too will conquer death and satan has no power over us, his grip on us is weak!  

If you feel right now as though you are being held down tightly by satan declare this scripture in your life.  Jesus died so that you could live!  Satan has no power over you when you trust in Jesus.  Believe Good Friday happened just for you so that you could overcome satan's grip!!  Friend, you are free and powerful today!!  Celebrate Jesus!  He is alive!!   

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