Monday, April 20, 2015

Be Prepared With God's Word!

Preach the word of God.  Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not.  Patiently correct, rebuke and encourage your people with good teaching.
2 Timothy 4:2

What do you do when a friend calls you up and tells you she needs prayer?  She may continue the conversation telling you her circumstance, complaining about this thing or crying over that.  The things she shares may be very serious and it is very important to listen patiently and take the time to be there for her.  Your heart may break for her and the hurt she is experiencing and at that moment you have a very big decision to make.  Do you join in and start badmouthing the person who hurt her?  Do you agree with her fears and join in with her insecurities.  Are you negative about any good that can come from her problems?  Do you get angry along with her?  Or do you blow it all off because you don't have time to listen or go the extra mile to help her in her distress?

Paul says in 2 Timothy to "Preach the word of God.  Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not.  Patiently correct, rebuke and encourage your people with good teaching."  The decision you have to make in this moment is, 'do I pray and ask God what to say, or do I just begin to speak'.  I admit and you can even ask my good friends, I'm definitely known to speak before I should or join in when I should be the one keeping thoughts and words on track.  But as the friend being called on it is our job to first listen with compassion and in all seriousness to our friend's needs.  Then we pray.  We search God's Words and let them take over before we say too much.  We know God's Word, hold it in in our heart and on our mind so that when opportunities arise we have the right Words to say.  We read the bible to understand God's view on these situations and we share that when the time is right.  Know God's word so that we can live God's word with others!! 

How much do you rely on God's word to help out a friend in need?  Do you send her scripture on a day you know she is struggling?  It is so easy to join in, and I do believe there are times to do so, but more often than not, God's word, straight from the bible is exactly what your friend needs in her moment of hurt and despair.  Count on God's word and His teachings to guide your conversations and your letters of encouragement.         

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