Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Easter Prayer

Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.
Psalm 51:12

Dear Father, as I celebrate your love for me, this weekend, I can't praise you enough for giving me this second chance through Your Son, Jesus Christ.  I can live forever in Your paradise because Jesus died a horrible death for me!  I selfishly forget this fact from time to time when I am consumed by my own problems and sin.  There are days I try to manage on my own and fix things in my own strength. Forgive me for these days when I ignore the salvation I was selflessly given.  In my ugliness you sent Your only Son to die for me!  It was me who sent Jesus along that painful path of mockery, physical abuse and embarrassing pain!  All because You love me in a way that I will never totally understand this side of heaven.  Father, don't ever let me forget the real meaning of Easter weekend.  Don't let me get carried away with the commercialization of this holiday, the bunnies, egg hunts and the candy, but to feel the deep joy that comes from knowing what Easter is really about.  Restore to me the joy that comes from your power to raise Jesus from the dead.  My salvation is mine for eternity, something I did not earn and I cannot lose!  I am safe and loved by You.  Oh how I wish I could repay You for all You have done for me.  Our relationship is all You ask of me and so I freely give my life to You as a living sacrifice for the great and wonderful things You have done and are still to do for me.  Give me the strength to recognize the days when I try to go alone and never let me brush aside the miracle of Easter.  Make me willing to obey you in every aspect of my life.  Amen and Amen! 

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