Tuesday, September 2, 2014

God Is Holding You

I lie awake thinking of you, meditating on you through the night.  I think how much you have helped me; I sing for joy in the shadow of your protecting wings.  I follow close behind you; your strong right hand holds me securely.
Psalm 63:6-8

You may have had a night like David recently.  You couldn't sleep because you had so many things running through your mind.  And, like David, maybe you felt alone and scared, even fighting to stay alive or hiding from your enemies, but instead of looking forward to what God had in store for you, you were dreading waking up for fear of what the next day would bring.  In these moments do you meditate on your fear and your unfortunate situation or, like David, do you meditate on God's ability to protect you and bring you out of your peril?  

As I was holding my foster baby in the middle of the night it reminded me of that secure feeling we have when we remember that God is with us but as soon as we forget He is right there holding us we begin to cry and wiggle with discomfort.  My foster child was the same way.  As soon as I picked her up she stopped crying and began to fall back asleep but the moment I put her down she would cry again.  She only felt safe when she was in my arms.  The only time she could calm down and rest, beginning to let herself fall back to sleep, was when I was holding her.  The same is true when we start to forget that God is with us, but when we remember Who is holding us we can relax and let ourselves calm down, and even rest in His arms.  

Unfortunately I can't tell my 7 month old baby to relax and trust God, but I can tell you.  It isn't an easy concept to always cling to but I have found all of my peace in this one action.  If we are to feel safe and secure we must trust in God's ability to help us in our situation.  And while we are suffering and worrying it is very important that we look back on God's faithfulness in our life.  Just like David we have to think back in all the times and places that God helped us and showed up on our behalf.  Then we must sing for joy of those times and with confidence that He will show up again.  Also, like David, we must follow closely to God, meditating on His Word and His promises to us.  Never forgetting that He is always holding us with His right hand, protecting us in the shelter of His wings.  So, my friend, if you feel yourself wiggling in discomfort and fear; crying out in the middle of the night, instead of mediating on your problems, mediate on God's healing touch.  Feel yourself being held by your Father.  And rest in His ability to comfort and save you.      

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