Monday, September 8, 2014

Don't Act Like Jonah

The Lord replied, "Is it right for you to be angry about this?"
Jonah 4:4

The story of Jonah is very unique.  He disobeyed God's orders not necessarily because He was afraid or that he didn't think he could handle them.  No, he dodged God because He was angry at the people of Nineveh and he knew that if he went to them, like God asked, then they would be forgiven and shown mercy.  Jonah's message for the the people of Nineveh was of the destruction to come if they did not turn from their wicked ways and he knew that God would show them mercy if they listened and repented.  Jonah wasn't ready to forgive and he certainly didn't think the people of Nineveh deserved to be treated with mercy and grace.  So he ran and ran but to His surprise God followed and pursued Him until he gave up and decided to listen.  And he was right.  When he finally decided to obey God the people of Nineveh were spared from destruction because of his final warning to them.  Instead of being happy about saving them, he was angry.  

The people of Nineveh, for years, tormented Israel.  They kidnapped, murdered and stole from them on a regular basis.  They were guilty of robbing the Israelites of their peace for many years.  From a human perspective it is only natural to be angry with them and to want them to suffer revenge from the pain that they caused.  But through God's perspective it is our duty as Christians to offer God's grace and mercy to all people, regardless of what they have ever done to us.  It is a hard pill to swallow and we can't possibly do it on our own, but with the love in us, and strength given to us by the Father, we are capable of doing the unthinkable.  As we continue reading in Jonah 4 we get a glimpse into God's perspective (click here to read)  Jonah 4:5-11 .  

God loves the person and that is all that matters.  He loves His children whether they are lost, or found to be the most loving, devoted christian.  He can't stand to see us suffer and it hurts him when His children are in spiritual darkness.  He is willing to throw all of the sins and rebellious past away to save people from an eternity in hell.  We have the capability to love like Him if we allow Him to use us and if we submit to His will and perspective on things.  With God's strength we can forgive those who did us wrong and who hurt us very deeply.  It isn't our place to judge whether a person is worthy of mercy and forgiveness.  And although the hurt that other people's sins cause us is damaging and sometimes irreversible, we have a God who has special blessings stored up for us, and instead of playing God, we should just follow His lead and love like Him.  

So the next time someone enters your life and you can't possible think of a good reason why God has   laid them in your path, but only for suffering and pain, lay your own perspective aside and put on God's.  Don't act like Jonah, instead of wishing destruction on those who hurt you, ask God to help you love them and lead them to salvation.  

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