Monday, September 22, 2014

How Long Will We Reject Him?

The Lord said to Moses, "How long will these people reject Me?  How long will they not believe Me, with all the signs which I have performed among them?"
Numbers 14:11

Every time something bad comes my way I immediately want to complain.  I find my husband or best friend and get all my worry and frustration out.  It may linger for a day or two (or more) depending on what it is, but I am reminded this morning that whatever my problem, God is bigger and He is an amazing provider.  Through my whole life I have been blessed beyond what I deserve and I am never lacking any good thing.  There are things that aren't perfect, in my eyes, and I am sure I could come up with a selfish list of things I desire and don't have but when I take out all the greed I am left with everything I need.  

In this scripture God is asking Moses why the people were still rejecting Him after He had provided so much and after He had made Himself known through signs and miracles.  His heart hurts to see His beloved children reject Him by complaining and brushing aside His promises of provision and protection.  And all the while I can see the Israelites misbehaving, I want to deny that I am not like them, but in reality I am.  God is asking me the same question in my moments of doubt........How much provision will it take for me to trust Him?  I don't want to doubt God's provision in my life for one more day.  I want to believe that He is in control of every circumstance and I do not want to get impatient waiting on His perfect timing.  Yes, His provision is always on time!!! 

Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.
Psalm 34:10

(click to listen to the song) 

Dear God, I will sing this song all day to remind myself of Your love and mercy in my life and on the provision that only You can provide.  I will thank You and praise You for all that You are for me and I ask You to help me stay true to You.  In Jesus' Name........Amen

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