Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Hiding Place

For You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble.  You surround me with songs of victory.
Psalm 32:7

Often, when things aren't going my way, or I am feeling overwhelmed and defeated, I just want to run away and hide.  I have gone to my room and locked the door or I have sat on the toilet (lid closed); sitting in any available quiet room, where I thought I was safe, only to be found by my children.  When I need to clear my head I sometimes will go outside to water my flowers, hiding from the chaos occurring in my house.  There have even been times that I have even gotten in my car and drove away.  In every instance I was trying to hide from something that was bothering me.  Needless to say someone always finds me and I have a hard time getting relief from my overwhelming thoughts of frustration or grief.  

Our thoughts of running and hiding, although tempting, are not the best choice unless we are willing to hide under the shelter of our God.  When things get difficult, when we are being threatened by our enemy, if we are overwhelmed with fear, or our feelings of pain are so intense, God asks us to run to Him.  He promises to be our safe place and shelter (Psalm 91:1).  He loves His children and wants to protect us from harm and pain.  He promises to give us victory!  I need to stop hiding in the obvious spots where the dog can give me away and I need to start hiding under the shelter of My God who is with me where ever I go.  By giving Him my fear, disappointment, frustrations and pain He will take it from me and replace it with His Words of encouragement, strength, hope and love.  Yes a little quiet time is healthy for us all but hiding from our problems behind the bottle, at work, or at the poker table isn't going to solve the issue we are dealing with, it will only suppress the issue for a while.  With God we can solve our problems and find genuine encouragement.  His Word can shelter us from satan's lies and give us songs of victory and reasons to praise.  Only God can protect our very souls and the perfect plan He has for our life.  

Dear God help me to find you when I need you today.  I don't want to hide anywhere but under your wing of shelter.  When I feel overwhelmed I will come to you with my fear and anxiety because you promise to protect me and bring me victory.  In Jesus' Name, Amen

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