Thursday, August 21, 2014

Jesus Understands

and he said to them, "The sorrow in my heart is so great that it almost crushes me.  Stay here and keep watch with me."
Matthew 26:38

As sad and heart breaking as this verse sounds I find great comfort in it.  Of all the people I could take my heart break to, Jesus is the only one who truly knows my pain.  Yes my GFF would be second in line, for sure, but as bad as I am feeling you better believe Jesus has felt it and even worse.  This verse reminds me of Jesus' humanness.  He was a real person, in the flesh, with worry and fear of the situation He was in, and he cried out to His friends in such sorrow.  If you continue reading you will find that Jesus' friends fell asleep, they didn't really understand what He was going through and so they just blew him off.  If you ever feel like no-one understands your pain don't forget that you have Jesus who has been in your shoes.  He has been so full of sorrow to the point of feeling crushed.  Jesus can comfort your sorrows and give you hope to pull you out of your fear, anger, pain and grief.  Someone who faced death for the sins of the world would have to understand what you are experiencing and His promise of hope, protection, and love is just enough to pull you out of your pit of despair.  And if someone like Jesus was human enough to feel so sad and scared then why not us?  It's a normal response to difficult circumstances so don't be ashamed of your sorrow.....let it go.....give it to God, share it with Jesus and let Him comfort you.  

Dear Jesus, I am so sorry for the sorrow and fear you experienced on that night before you gave your life so that I could live in heaven someday.  You were just like me with human emotions and fear like no-one can describe but you still chose to trust God with your life.  Help me to trust like You did.  I find relief knowing that when no-one else understands, You do.  Comfort me when I am in distress.  My hope is in You, Amen 


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