Friday, August 8, 2014

Conviction vs. Condemnation

As Christians we need to learn to discern between the voice of our Savior and the voice of the enemy. God's voice is a voice of love, grace, mercy and conviction. The enemy of our soul leads us to shame, guilt, fear, and condemnation. It is very important that we are able to distinguish between conviction and condemnation. 

Conviction is from God. As Christians, through the Holy Spirit we are prompted to recognize our sin against God. Yes, we are guilty of sin, but we are not to be held captive by the guilt. Conviction exposes sin so that it can be expunged. The Spirit's work is God focused. It's about getting back in right relationship with God; it leads to repentance and new life. The conviction of the Holy Spirit leads us into the Light where our sin is exposed so that it can be dealt with and put in our past- completely forgiven! 

Condemnation on the other hand is from the enemy of our soul. Satan uses condemnation to make us feel guilty, shameful and worthless. He reminds us of our sin as often as possible so that we are ensnared by it. Once we are trapped in our sin, or even just the memory of it, we are ineffective in our relationship and service to Christ. Condemnation leads us into isolation. We don't want to talk about our sin, deal with it, or possibly even admit that it's happening. Condemnation leads to hopelessness. But God says, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1. Yes, we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve the condemnation of an eternity separated from our Heavenly Father. But, in Jesus, we are freed of this condemnation. 

As you sit and talk with God, ask him to reveal your areas of sin. Confess them and accept his forgiveness. If after confessing and asking forgiveness, you are reminded of your sin, know that it is not God's voice you are hearing. For God says, "If we confess our sin, he is faith and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
It's gone; it's over; it's forgiven. So, go in peace!

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