Monday, November 18, 2013

Lead by Example

And you should follow my example, just as I follow Christ’s.
1 Corinthians 11:1

When I first read this verse, my initial thought was honestly, “Wow!” My next thought was, “Do I have the courage, confidence, and boldness to tell others to imitate my life because it will mean in so doing, they are imitating Christ?” (We’ll come back to that thought in a moment!)

Paul was not only confident in his knowledge of God, but he was confident in his own response to God’s call on his life. He was so confident that he was living the way God had called him to live that he boldly told the Christians of Corinth to “follow his example.” The Message translates this verse like this; “And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ” 

Here’s a little background. The Corinthians, whom Paul was addressing, wouldn’t have had the new testament to read. They wouldn’t have worn, “What would Jesus do” bracelets because the information hadn’t yet been recorded for them to read and study in order to follow Jesus’ example. The best way for Paul to teach the Corinthians how to live was to have them model the way he was living. Sounds easy enough! 

But wait, Corinth was the most important city in Achaia, a Greek city. It would have been busy, bustling with trade, and filled with immorality. Idol worship was huge in this city. Especially in the form of temple prostitution. In addition, Paul was preaching to a gentile population, meaning he was talking to non-jews. They didn’t even have the religious background that would have brought common ground to initiate discussion. This whole message of Jesus Christ crucified was radical, and Paul’s life was the absolute best testimony he had to lead others to Christ. Paul had spent about 2 years in this city. He was trusted by those within the young church. They trusted him enough to follow his lead.

Now, back to my earlier thought. “Do I have the courage, confidence, and boldness to tell others to imitate my life because it will mean in so doing, they are imitating Christ?”
Well, that’s a loaded answer. 

I’d have to say, “Yes”, because God knows my heart’s desire. More than anything I want Him to reign in my life. I want to please him in all I say and do. I desire to know more about him and daily grow in my relationship with him. I’m learning that praise, trust, and obedience are the things God wants most from me, and because I desire these things, he will not allow me to remain in sin very long. So, my heart is repentant and, “I’m sorry” is something I can easily say to God and others. So those that also know my heart know that my love for Jesus is sincere and that I’m growing in him.

There’s a part of me that says, “No,” don’t follow my lead because I’m still a flawed human. I mess up. I react when I should wait, pray, and make a more Godly decision. My voice still raises when I’m trying to help someone see my point. I get carried away in details that don’t really matter. I make parenting decisions that could have been handled better. I say things that should have been left unsaid. 

So, can I look at you and say with confidence, “Do as I do”? Maybe I’m not 100% confident yet because there are still some things God is helping me overcome. But I can look you in the eye and say, “Let’s continue to follow Christ together. Let’s learn to live in his grace and offer it to each other. Let’s learn to be loved by him and to really love others in return. Walk with me, and let’s be real with God and each other.” 

I may not be ready to lead, but I’m ready to share my heart, my life, and my faith openly. And that is way farther than I was last year at this time!

What about you?

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