Sunday, November 17, 2013

A New Heart

And no-one puts new wine into old wineskins.  The wine would burst the wineskins, spilling the wine and ruining the skins.  New wine needs new wineskins.
Mark 2:22

Any one can read the bible and listen to people preach but none of it is captured in our hearts until we are willing make it who we are.  Like the Pharisees, we can know the laws of God and even have some scripture memorized.  We can go to church every Sunday but when we decide to accept Christ we must also make the decision to become a new person.  We have to let go of our ungodly habits.  We have to become a new person by letting God transform us.  If we halfheartedly make the choice to follow Christ but hold onto our old heart, like the old wineskin, we will break down and fall back into our old ways and compromises.  

God’s word can only be held in a new heart, a willing heart.  Accepting Christ is receiving Him into your heart.  Receiving Christ is providing space for Him or accommodations for Him to live there.  Accepting Christ is deeper than just saying yes to Him.  Accepting Christ is like buying a new wineskin for the new wine.  Our hearts will be fresh and ready to stretch with the knowledge and love we gain from knowing God on a personal level. 

If you desire a new heart and you wish to change your life.  Say yes to God today.  Ask Jesus to live in your new heart and then sit back and let Him transform you.  Let Christ change your  perspective, your attitude, your life.  Make room for Him to expand your heart with His love, grace and mercy.  Be willing to change who you are and why you live.  Be willing to become a new person.  

Dear Father, thank You for Your promise to live in our hearts and transform us into the person You want us to be.  We give over our thoughts, our actions and our dreams to your will.  We make room in our hearts for you to lead us.  We want to know more about you and live a life that puts you first in our thoughts.  Please pour yourself into our fresh, new hearts and fill us up with your never ending supply of love, grace and mercy.  
Amen and Amen!


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