Tuesday, November 5, 2013


“Is anyone thirsty?  Come and drink - even if you have no money!  Come take your choice of whine or milk - it’s all free!  Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength?  Why pay for food that does you no good?  Listen and I will tell you where to get food for the soul!”
Isaiah 55:1-2

It is clear, to get this food for the soul, to satisfy our hunger, we are to go to The Provider.  God has what we need to live.  He gives us food for our souls and living water!  We need not pay a dime.  Money is no object, money can’t buy the Righteousness we seek.  God doesn't want our money, He wants our life (Matthew 16:24).  For some this is too much to ask and they will look the other way and continue paying big bucks for the things in life that fill them only temporarily.  What are you willing to sacrifice to fulfill your hunger?

Chocolate seems to be a popular snack among women.  I myself love it but I don’t necessarily go all out for it.  I would say yes to someone if they offered me chocolate, very rarely would I turn it down, but I don’t remember too many times going out of my way to get it.  On occasion I will crave chocolate but I only eat it when it’s available, if I am desperate I will grab a candy bar in the check out line at Walmart, or steal from my kids.  I certainly wouldn’t sacrifice my family, my home or my reputation just to have a taste of chocolate. 

Sounds crazy but this is a picture of my relationship with Christ just years ago.  Like chocolate, I would only call on God when He was offered to me, or when I was desperate.  I can’t recall anything that I wanted to sacrifice to have a relationship with Him.  I thought I was content.  I was happy with my life and the blessings God had given me.  Food was always available to me and I was always full until one night when I lay in bed hungry.  This hunger was different, my stomach was not growling, it was my heart.  I lay there with a hunger in my heart to live a different life.  

“Seek the Lord while you can find Him.  Call on Him now while He is near.  Let the people turn from their wicked deeds.  Let them banish from their minds the very thought of doing wrong!  Let them turn to the Lord that He may have mercy on them.  Yes, turn to our God for He will abundantly pardon.”
Isaiah 55:6-7

The hunger in my heart was from God and I praise Him every day for calling me.  I was not in right relationship with Him and as much as I wanted to tell myself I was, my heart told me otherwise.  I made a choice to hand over my life and fulfill my hunger.   Now His Bread of Life sustains me and I love the taste!  I choose to go back for more.  I fill up and overflow but find myself returning for seconds!  God does fill those who hunger and thirst for His righteousness.  When He grabs hold of your heart, you will know it, and you will keep going back for more!  For some it is a long journey and there are many sacrifices along the way.  For me, I had to break down some tall idols, accept His forgiveness and learn How to love.  It is a process that I continue working on but I am willing.  God only needs a willing heart.    

Are you hungry?  Are you thirsty?  Stop filling up on entertainment, sex, money, your children, your spouse and chocolate!  Start hungering for what matters, seek the things that will sustain your life that will fill your soul and change your life!  Seek a life like Christ, hunger and thirst for His righteousness and you will be filled! 

Dear God fill me before starvation occurs!  I am malnourished.......show me where I am lacking in my relationship with you.  Make it clear to me what needs to change in my life and show me the things that I seek that are not of You.  God I praise you for your patience!  I hear you calling!  Change my heart!  You are the bread of Life, I will choose to seek You and know you, never to be hungry again.  I will choose to believe in you and never thirst again. (John 6:35)

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