Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night.
Psalm 1:1-2

I will be the first to tell you that I am guilty of underestimating the importance of reading the bible.  I was content reading a devotion here and there and I attended bible study when it was convenient for me, but I never really cared about reading the bible.  No one ever told me how important it was, but I'm not here to blame my upbringing for why I didn't read the bible, because had someone told me, I probably still wouldn't have taken them seriously.  It took my own choosing and a good friend pushing me deeper, to decide one day to develop a relationship with God, and as I think back to that moment I believe God was drawing me to Him.......nudging me to to change my heart.  

It took discipline to start living for God and I spent much time reading His Word.  I didn't just read either, I thought deeply about the things I was reading and I studied further to find more.  I soon started taking notes on the new information I was learning.  I wrote down the things that really stood out and the things that I really sought to be important.  I began to understand this scripture that states those who meditate on His laws day and night will be blessed.  No, not everything goes my way and I haven't had an all easy road but with God and the wisdom and peace that His Word provides I have been able to see life differently.  This perspective allows me to appreciate His blessings that come through the good and the bad.

Before I began studying the bible I knew of Gods gift of salvation.  I understood the importance of repentance and loving people.  I could recite the 10 commandments.  There were a lot of things I knew about but that was all just head knowledge.  It took me reading deeper into God's Word, meditating on what He wanted me to know, and most importantly allowing that information to travel from my head to my heart.  Meditating does that........it takes what you know and makes it what you live.  The difference between mediating on God's word and just reading over it, is a personal relationship with God.  That personal relationship draws everything you know from your mind and plants it in your heart.  It becomes the way you live instead of just the way you should live.  All of God's wisdom finds its home in your heart where you can't deny God anymore.  You can't continue living in sin when God's word is planted on your heart.  When it becomes who you are it will guide you and lead you to do what is right.    

Please consider taking that next step and meditating on God's word.  No you don't have to sit on the floor with your legs crossed, arms folded, eyes closed, and humming in a low pitch.  All you need is your bible and a willing heart to go one step further from just knowing the law to really knowing God and living out His law.  Please if you need encouragement or help in knowing where to start email us and we would be glad to direct you.  Find a friend who will join you in this new journey.  We will be praying for you! 


  1. Thanks for the amazing blogs. I have learned so much from u girls. Thanks to your love for Him, I now have a new life! Its full of trials but because of Him and His words I prevail every time. I choose to live in His peace. I now know that if I'm not feeling Him I need to refocus my mind on Him. I simply ask Him to calm me and strengthen me. If its really bad I picture Him holding my hand. Its at that moment I take a moment to pray for His guidance. I no longer let Satan steal my joy!

  2. Praise God for you, friend! Thank you for sharing and being open and honest about your new journey! We will be sure to pray for you. We thank God for using us and we pray always for Him to shine through us. Please don't hesitate to email us with any questions you may have or topics you might like to see covered. God Bless you!


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