Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lay Down Your Life

I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you.  And here is how to measure it - the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends.
John 15:12-13

I'm guessing that you all could think of at least one friend whose needs you would put before your own, or even die for.  Maybe it is your spouse, or that special friend you have known since grade school, a friend who you just met but you trust with your life, or a coworker who took the time to befriend you and show you the ropes.  Do you have a friend who you know everything about or is there someone in your life that you would do everything you could to help him or her out?  Chances are you have someone special in your life who means the world to you.  That someone special is worth sacrificing your personal time, or rescheduling an appointment for, and even dying for.    

An even harder question would be, are there a lot of people in your life you would lay down your life for?  Jesus stated in this scripture that we are to love each other in the same way He loves.  He didn't say love one or two special friends like crazy, but He said love each other.  Each other implies that we should love every one and be willing to die for anyone.  Now that is a big statement!  Laying down your life for a friend doesn't have to be, nor should it be, limited to your best friend, but instead it should include all people..........each other. 

Take this thought one step further and you will find yourself dying for Jesus Himself.  Verses 14-15 in John 15 go like this:
You are my friends if you obey me.  I no longer call you servants, because a master doesn't confide in His servants.  Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. 
If you are Jesus' friend then you must also be willing to lay down your life for Him.  Laying down your life for Jesus doesn't mean just dying for Him.  Laying down your life can also imply that you lay down your will and personal desires.  For, your friend, Jesus, you can lay down your sin and worry and selfishness to show Him your love and commitment.  Giving up your will offers amazing proof that you believe in Him. 

Friends, we should all be thinking about our selfish tendencies and the areas of our life that we hold tightly to.  God doesn't want us putting our needs in front of others.  Just like Jesus put our needs in front of His the day he was handed over to the Roman Soldiers and was beaten and hung on a cross, we should be willing to do the same for all people every where and especially for our greatest, most loyal friend, Jesus.  Lay down your wants and desires, share the remote, offer up the last piece of Dove chocolate, give up your time, sacrifice your will and love people every where because Jesus commands us to.

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