Friday, April 11, 2014

Look For God's Purpose

Although Jesus loved Martha, Mary and Lazarus, he stayed where he was for the next two days and did not go to them.
John 11:5-6

I have some very close friends who I would do just about anything I could for them.  If one of them needed me for something I would do everything possible to adjust my schedule to help her out.  I love my friends and I am committed to serving them as Jesus would.  So why, in this scripture did Jesus decide to wait two whole days before leaving to be with his friends and save Lazarus's life?  His response in verse 4 might help us understand a little better:  But when Jesus heard about it he said, "Lazarus's sickness will not end in death.  No, it is for the glory of God.  I, the Son of God, will receive glory from this".  Jesus obviously knew something that no-one else knew.  Jesus knew that he would use the Power of the Holy Spirit to bring Lazarus back to life and so he was not concerned for His friend's life nor his friends who were worried.  

Imagine yourself in Mary and Martha's shoes.  They sent a messenger to tell Jesus that they needed Him and like any one of us who is in need, they expected their best friend to assist them.  Days passed, and there was no sign of Jesus, in fact, Lazarus's body was in his grave for 4 days before Jesus showed up on the scene.  Can you imagine the disappointment that Mary and Martha were experiencing when they saw Jesus?  How would you feel if you thought your best friend just ignored your plea for help?  I'm pretty sure we have all been there a time or two and we can all agree that it doesn't feel good.  Mary didn't even want to see Jesus she, was so angry, and the first thing out of Martha's mouth was blame toward Jesus for her brother's death.  They trusted in Jesus to help them and in that moment they felt like they were let down.  Mary and Martha couldn't see beyond their disappointment to see God's purpose for Jesus' delay.  And what was that purpose?  If Jesus had shown up before Lazarus's death He would have healed him.  Something many had already witnessed.  By waiting, Jesus was given the opportunity to demonstrate His power over death.  A power that could not go unrecognized and a power that brought Glory to God proving that Jesus was the son of God and He would one day be raised from the dead.  

How many of us can't see past our disappointment today?  God certainly has a purpose for His delays and for the things He allows in our life.  He could easily prevent our hurts and disappointments but then we may never discover His purpose for our life.  He dreams for us to trust Him.  He desires that our trust be so strong that through our disappointment we can bring Glory to Him.  Through trust we can see past our hurt and understand the bigger picture that God has painted.  So if there is something bothering you today, hold off on that disappointment choose to trust in God's purpose for your circumstance.  See past the frustration to a better purpose in order for God's great plan to play out in your life.

Dear God, sometimes my hurt is so real and fresh that I can't imagine anything good coming from my circumstance.  In these times give me strength to trust in You and help me to look beyond my disappointment.  I want to see your work in my life and I want my troubles to Glorify you.  In Jesus' Name, Amen   

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