Thursday, June 11, 2015

Don't Throw Away Your Confident Trust

Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord, no matter what happens.  Remember the great reward it brings you!
Hebrews 10:35

Sometimes things just don't go our way.  No matter how hard we pray, and regardless of the time we put into trying to make it right, God's plan just doesn't go as we would like.  Our answers don't come soon enough, or the direction of our circumstances takes a drastic turn in the wrong direction causing our faith to falter.  We begin to panic, or maybe it's more of a slow change that occurs as we patiently wait for God's rescue.  I have this certain subject that has been the topic of prayer for too many years now and as I continue to pray for it there are moments when I almost throw away my confident trust in God to heal and fix the issue.  As I sat praying this morning God gently brought to my attention the negativity I sometimes express in His ability to help, and of course His wisdom was shared with me as I opened my morning devotion that included the above scripture.  I am reminded that no matter what happens I cannot lose my confidence in God's ability to rescue.  Even when He takes longer than I want I can't throw away my hope that He will show up at just the right time.  I am losing blessings when I do this and my prayers certainly won't be heard if I'm just throwing them out there and not expecting God to hear me and answer.  

Dear God, I am so sorry for showing this negativity towards you.  It's not that I don't trust you but more that I am tired of waiting on you.  This weariness was not meant for me to carry alone.  Take my life and fill me with patience and complete trust in you.  Please forgive me for taking lightly the work you have done so far.......the things I may not even see.  Forgive me for trying to throw away my confident trust in you.  Please fill me, once again, with your amazing grace and show me the promises you have for me and my friends who love you and trust in you.         

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