Thursday, June 4, 2015

Don't Get Distracted

"You will seek and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

I spoke with a group of middle school students this week about searching for God. We talked about how he wants us to search his Word to know him better. And we also talked about God's promise that if we search with our whole heart, we will find him and not be disappointed! I love that promise!

In order to help the kids understand serious searching, I hid some money and wanted them to search for it. They were all anxious to look until I said it was a penny and a quarter. They looked at me with the most disappointed faces. "Seriously?" was the word no on was saying, but that every face radiated! I laughed and said, I also hid a five-dollar bill. Now they were tuned in! We searched for awhile, but when no one found it we had to stop due to time. I told them they would have all week to continue looking and that the person who found it could keep it! They all cheered and couldn't wait to get started. We took a break and went outside. When we gathered again, I thought for sure they would keep searching, but no one did. They grabbed basketballs, sat with friends, and ate snacks. I couldn't believe it. There was a treasure, and they totally forgot!

I felt God nudge me and say, "You're the same at times!" How many times do I intend to sit down at my desk to study his word, but I get distracted by the laundry or a phone call? Wasn't it just last week that I intended to call and encourage a friend, but I ended up distracted by a rest in the sunshine?

Walking with God takes intentional thinking and planning. He says we must be serious! The enemy however is the king of earthly distraction. We must be alert and focused in order to find all that God has for us! Be diligent my friend! Determine that you want his love and a relationship with him more than anything else, and the go for it! Don't get distracted!  Continue seeking him and you will not be disappointed!

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