Friday, January 24, 2014

Something More

It was light out when my son woke up this morning, which is a tell tail sign of a delay.  While I am thinking he should be waking up with a smile on his face, and even more, praising God for answered prayer, he started grumbling that he wished school was cancelled.  Grumbling does not really touch it.........he was down right mad, and as I was explaining to him that he should be happy with the delay, a light bulb went off in my mind.  He was on his 3rd 2 hour delay this week and he was used to that.  He was looking for something more.  He was looking for a cancellation.  All of the delays this week were old news by now, he was beginning to expect them, they were common, and he was ready to move on with something bigger and better.  I certainly saw a lesson in this.

The same goes with many things in our life.  We make compromises, say yes to this particular sin or join in on that little devious act.  After a while that becomes normal in our every day and we might start wanting more.  Maybe we are watching a T.V. show that we know in our hearts is not godly nor does it promote godly living.  But it is a fun show to watch and soon you begin recording it and watching all of last season in one night.  Or maybe you decide to act on this one “little” sin, and you end up enjoying yourself, soon the act will lose it’s luster and you will want a little more.  Addictions of every kind get started by one try, one taste, one moment of something see where I am going with this?  My son’s anger towards this morning was just like we are with sin.  It started out as something “harmless” and fun but, many times, ends up leading us to something bigger, not necessarily better.  We can’t help it, it’s in our nature.......we want more! 

So if this concept works so easily with sin and school cancellations why wouldn’t it work with getting to know our Lord and Savior? I, dear friends, am a glorious mess and not so long ago I was dealing with anxiety to the point of never wanting to leave my house.  I was at a breaking point where I knew I needed God but I didn’t know how to get started.  I had participated in many bible studies throughout the years and I knew who God was.  I believed in Jesus and knew that I would go to heaven because of His wonderful love for me.  But in this season of my life I needed something more.  For a while I tried to fix it with medication and I stayed inside avoiding the places that caused my panic attacks.  After several months I came upon a friend who was also searching for more, so together we committed to spending time with God.  It first started out as a one on one bible study.  Soon I found myself wanting even more than what the study offered so I spent more time reading scripture and praying.  Eventually I reached the point of wanting a lot of God!  Much like exercise, it took some time to see results but then I was hooked!  Like someone trying a drug for the first time, eventually I wanted more.  

So let’s turn this concept around and start seeing positive results from our lack of contentment.  If we are exposed to something that we enjoy soon our satisfaction in that enjoyment will wear off and we will want more. Let’s get addicted to God.  Let’s spend time with Him every day and grow to want more and more of Him!  When something is important to us we find time for it.  It’s not always easy and it takes sacrifice but Who better than to sacrifice for than the One who sacrificed His all for us? 
Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. 
Mark 1:35

Dear God, draw me to you. I want something more and I commit to spending time with you every day but you know how my schedule is.  You know how busy I can get and the distractions that my day holds.  Give me the peace I need to slow down and give you more of me.  I want to know you better.  I want to be hooked on You!  Amen and Amen

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