Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Job Opening!

But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you --- from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. 
1 Peter 2:9-10

I guess you could say that the old testament priests were a type of gap guy.  They were the people who worked in the temples and stood in the gap for sinners.  When someone sinned they went to a priest and it was his job to approach God for forgiveness.  Priests acted as intermediaries between sinful humans and God.  After Christ’s death and resurrection we no longer needed a priest.  Christ was the last sacrifice and from then on people everywhere were able to approach God personally.  

Are you ready for a new job?  Are you ready to fulfill your new role as priest?  1 Peter states that we, christians, were chosen for the high calling of priestly work.  No longer are priests designated only to stand in the sanctuary and go behind the sacred curtain, but they are needed for a much bigger role.  We were all chosen to act as a new testament priest.  We are chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do His work and speak out for Him (a gap girl/guy). 

So many people do not realize that they are a word away from speaking to God.  Some people have no idea that they can have forgiveness and a relationship with Christ just by believing and opening their mouth to speak to Him.  It is our role as priests to bring those people to Christ.  Just like a priest in the old testament who acted as the intermediary between sinners and God, we must be the intermediary between sinners and Jesus.  

People need to know who Jesus is.  Some will believe just by listening to you talk about His great love and mercy.  For others, it might be more like a full time job.  Forming relationships with them, building up their trust, devoting time to help them see Jesus.  You just might even have to share your story by opening up and being real with them.  Don’t be afraid to tell someone that you became something from nothing through Jesus Christ! 

So whatever your job is that you wake up for every morning don’t ever forget that your new role is of priest.  The most important job you will ever hold will not pay monetarily.  You may not be able to retire off of your earnings from your priestly job or pay off your mortgage.  The rewards for this job are saved lives.  The many lives you will see change and the relationships you will form because you genuinely love people and see them for who they are, God’s children.  That is what our life on earth is all about.  Sharing God and making sure we reach everyone who needs to know Jesus.  Accept your new job title today!  Don’t put off your true calling any longer!  Show up at your new job stand in the gap leading people to Christ!

Dear God,  Thank you for entrusting me with this high calling!  It is a huge responsibility that, quite frankly, scares the crap out of me.  Draw me to your word and show me Who I am in You.  Give me boldness and confidence to stand on your foundation and be a positive influence for You.  Give me one person, today, who needs to know You or needs encouragement.  Give me words for him or her.  Help me to open up and share with people who need an example of your amazing work in my life.  I wan’t people to know the real me.  Help me to share with them the night-and-day difference you have made in my life.  Amen and amen! 

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