Sunday, January 19, 2014

Armor Up Part 2

Enduring trials in life can be very difficult, but with the power of God we can look at those trials and overcome them. They don't have to put a smile on our face, and we don't have to like them. It's just very important that we are dressed to face those trials. When satan lies to us and tempts us with sin we can overcome because the power of God lies within us. We have the Holy Spirit to help us fight off the cruel words of our friends, we are wise and know that satan is behind those words. When we are close to God and trusting in His love and promises then we know something the world does not. Satan cannot keep us down for long because we can recognize his dirty work.

13)  Use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm. 
Since we never know what circumstances may arise or what satan is going to throw our way it is very important that we are clothed with every piece of God’s armor every single day of our lives.  Staying clothed in God will keep us ready and guarantees that we will finish every day standing firm.  It is important that we keep ourselves alert to the workings of the devil, and the moment we detect his lurking around, we need to stand firm in our belief.  We have to close our ears and minds to the lies that satan can tempt us with and immediately rebuke them with our knowledge of God's promises.

14)  Stand your ground putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 
Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6).  Believing in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is putting on the belt of truth.  If we have faith in God then we must believe that Jesus is the way to heaven.  We should have confidence in who we are and accept the mercy and grace that is given to us from our loving God.  Neither satan nor anyone else can take away our identity in Christ.  
Righteousness is the state of moral perfection required by God to enter heaven.  We receive God’s righteousness when we believe in Jesus Christ.  Jesus’ death on the cross, covers our sin and allows us to be righteous in God’s eyes.  No person, not satan or the girl down the street, can take away our righteousness.  No sin can take away our righteousness.  Satan will try to tell us that our sin is unforgivable.  He will tell us that we lost our ticket to heaven with his sole purpose to stop us in our tracks.  Satan wants us to give up and lose hope that we are forgiven, therefore keeping us in a dark place.  That dark place can smother out our light if we aren't careful, so put on your body armor and believe you are forever righteous!

15)  For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.
          The Good News is that Christ died for our sins.  We have eternal life when we have faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  With this Good News we can have peace because we know that no matter what happens, in this life, we will always have a place with God in heaven.  We can have peace knowing that with Christ we conquer this world and defeat the devil.  This peace will give us strength to fight off the lies and tricks that the devil throws our way.  We will have confidence that no matter what happens God is fighting for us.  Peace in who we are and Who protects us, fully prepares us for the circumstances that a sinful world produces.  So have peace friends,  even though you have to endure trials, satan cannot win when your eyes are fixed on God.  When you see things from God's perspective, standing firmly on peace, you will be fully prepared for all the world throws at you.

Dear God, thank you for your never ending protection. I have so much power to resist the devil when I am close to you. Draw me near so that I will be able to recognize satan's lies. I want to be standing firm during battle. I trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I know that because of Him I am righteous. Satan cannot win a battle against me. I have peace because of the words you have taught me. Thank you for loving me! Amen and Ame

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