Is there someone in your life who has turned away from God? Are they running from God and turning toward sin? Does their faith seem to be falling apart? Or, perhaps you are the one that is currently in the position of turning from God. Although this seems like the worst possible thing in the world that could happen, Jesus knows the frailty of our human hearts, and he knows how small our faith can be at times.
Simon, whom Jesus renamed “Peter” meaning “The Rock”, had such a small faith at one time also. Simon had walked with Jesus 3 years and learned from him. He had seen the miracles, witnessed the extraordinary, and heard the message of salvation directly from the source. Yet, when push came to shove, Simon’s faith wavered. Here’s the amazing thing about that though... Jesus saw it coming and actually prayed for Simon! Can you just imagine that with me for a moment? Jesus, the Son of God, the Holy Begotten Son, prayed for Simon!!
In Luke 22:31-32 Jesus says, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
As we break those verses down, I see so many things that just stir my heart to love and trust my God even more. First of all, Satan had to ask God’s permission to tempt Simon. Therefore, we can rest assured that everything that Satan throws at us has also been Father-filtered. Satan asks. God answers. God is still in total control of the situation!
Second, Jesus interceded in prayer to His Almighty Father on Simon’s behalf. Jesus knew Simon well. He’d spent the last 3 years with him. They ate together. Traveled and worked together. Jesus knew Simon on a very deep level. He knew Simon’s weaknesses and even before Simon denied him, Jesus was in prayer for him to overcome the trial. Oh, that just makes me smile and makes my heart sing! Why? Because I have friends who pray for me faithfully, and I know the comfort and power that comes from their prayers. But, Oh, Wow! To know that Jesus is talking to God on my behalf-- right there in his throned chair to the right of God almighty! Wow, wow, wow! I can just see it playing out in my mind. Can you just see Jesus saying, “But Dad, you know how she doubts! Please consider how tender her heart is right now. Only allow as much pain as she needs to grow closer to you!” And God replies, “Yes, Son, she is very broken right now, so I will shield her from all that is not for her benefit.” And so the conversation goes. Do you see it?They actually talk about us in the heavenly realm!!
Third, Jesus knew that Simon would fall, but he also knew that he would come back stronger than ever. God allowed Simon to fall because in the end, it deepened his faith. Simon’s faith became so deeply rooted in Christ that he spent the rest of his life working to lead others to his Lord!
In a nutshell, Satan wants us to fall. He asks God’s permission to sift us as wheat thinking that he will destroy us, but God manages the temperature of the fire satan starts, and we come out even better than we started! Amen and Hallelujah! Our God loves us so much!
So that friend you are worried about, continue to pray for them and rest assured that Jesus is interceding for them too!
Thank you, Jesus, for interceding on my behalf! Thank you, God, for only allowing what can be used to strengthen me. You allow no more or no less than is in my best interest! I just love you so much for that!
Amen & Amen