Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Living Blamelessly

David's relationship with God is one of honesty and understanding. David always tells God what's on his heart and mind. Anger, fear, abandonment, feelings of frustration when God delays, are among the feelings David expresses throughout the Psalms. David asks God the hard questions and shares the answers that the Lord provides.
In the 15th Psalm, David presents two questions to the Lord,
                                     "Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent?
                                           Who may live on your holy mountain?"

The sacred tent and the holy mountain were places of worship during this period of time. David was asking God who's worship was honoring to the Lord. David understood the holiness and blamelessness of his God. He understood that God was omnipotent and powerful. He knew that God's ways were perfect. David was asking from a humbled heart- a heart that knew it's own unworthiness.

These are still questions we need to ask God. We need to ask check our own lives to see that we are growing in relationship. Worship is a momentary lifestyle. Abiding in the Lord is a constant state of being. David gives us 5 ways to monitor our growth as we live in the Lord's presence.

First he states "The one who is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart." David isn't saying we must be perfect, but the longer we walk with the Lord, the more we should know and desire to live by his laws and in his image. We should know his truths, and they should lead our decisions. God becomes our standard and not the world.

Next, David draws our focus to the greatest muscle of our body, the tongue. "whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor, and casts no slur on others." Our words hold power, and the mark of a Christian is grace and love from the tongue! We should be growing in our ability to hold our tongue and use it for good!

David shows us that our relationship with the Lord will open our eyes to evil and draw us into relationships with fellow Christians. "who despises a vile person, but honors those who fear the Lord."

Christians are to be of highest integrity and faithfulness. They keep their word, even when it is hard to do. "who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change his mind."

And finally, those who honor and worship the Lord are generous with the needy and do not take advantage of the less fortunate. "who lends money to the poor without interest, who does not accept a bribe against the innocent."

Check your own life. Are you growing in these areas? Do you know God's ways better today than you did months and years ago? Are you hearing the promptings of the Spirit when you need to rein in your tongue or care for another person?

God's word comes with a promise, "Whoever does these things will never be shaken." Amen!

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