Friday, September 11, 2015

A Happy Heart Heals

A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, 
but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

Are you feeling a little down today?  Have you been sick or are you fighting off some negative emotions?  Maybe you are feeling fine but you have a friend who isn't.  God says the medicine we need when fighting sadness and or physical illness is often times laughter.  A happy heart and a cheerful mind works healing in our own lives and in the lives of those we love.  A while back my friend text me a note of encouragement and I hold it dear to my heart, still today.  I only remember the very important words that are changing the way I look at life, light hearted.    

Light hearted is to be cheerful and carefree.  Carefree is to be free of anxiety or responsibility.  While we can't always get rid of our responsibilities throughout the day, we can hand over our anxiety.  We have a big God just waiting with his hands outstretched for us to place in them our worry and anxieties.  As for the responsibilities, I look at my own life and realize that I can't just throw them down but I can look at them differently.  I can give myself more grace when I don't finish something on time or allow myself room for mistakes and failures.  Life isn't all picture perfect!  In fact, there is so much we can learn from messing up but if we don't keep light hearted we will often times let our mess ups bring us down or frustrate us. 

God says that a broken spirit will make us ill!  When we take life seriously and we are hard on ourselves or others it rips away at our happy hearts, our bones will dry up and we will be lifeless and sad.  So let's laugh more!  Let's smile more!  Let's be light hearted and take everything day by day, moment by moment.  Don't let things get us down but turn to God and hand over our worries, without missing a beat.  And for those of us who have friends who need to smile, let's take the extra time to laugh with them!  Watch a funny movie, send a funny text, do activities that don't take thinking, but allow you both to enjoy a light hearted moment together.  God wants us to be happy and enjoy where we are every day!  So let's get to it!!

Dear God, thank you for wanting what's best for me and for giving me your Word to encourage and redirect.  Help me to keep a happy heart and give me wisdom to encourage a friend's smile.  Heal the hurts and the illness around me through laughter. Bring smiles to the faces of those who need healing and lighten my path as I hand over my worry. 
In Jesus' Name  amen        

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