Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Scripture

There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.
1 Corinthians 13:9

Father God, let Your Spirit fill me with the confidence and strength I need to do your Work in my community.  There are things that need done and people who need loved, from which, You have laid on my heart great works for Your kingdom. You have opened doors for me to pursue these things and you wait on my obedience.  Now give Your servant great boldness to take the steps necessary for completing this task and following through with Your work.  Although many may oppose me, Lord, let it be you Who I report to and You who I dedicate myself and my works to.  Take my worries about what the rest of the world will think and show me the way to everlasting peace and contentment in You.  When things get heated and I am up against a brick wall show me how to stand firm and keep pushing until it falls.  Lord, you are my God and I love you!  I want to walk through Your open doors and pursue all things Godly.  
In Jesus' Name, 

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