Monday, August 3, 2015

Listen to Advice

Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket. To one who listens, valid criticism is like a gold earring or other gold jewelry. Proverbs 25:11-12

Everyone wants to be wise. We all want to be perceived as intelligent. We feel confident when we know the answers, but in reality wisdom isn't any of these things. Wisdom is being able to listen to others, read and discern information, and then make a decision based on all the facts.
Wise people listen to others. They intake information and filter out what doesn't line up with God's character. Wise people listen to criticism from others. They aren't afraid of hearing about their mistakes and learning to do things a new or better way. Wise people feel blessed when they are shown their errors because wise people value truth.
When is the last time someone told you that you needed to make a change? Maybe it was a change in your behavior, your character, or simply in the way you completed a task. If we are wise, we will listen to others' advice. Our natural reaction is to defend ourself, but wisdom listens, considers the advice, and makes changes if the criticism is valid.

Help me to be open to valid criticism. Help me to consider what others are saying and choose to act on advice that will make me a better person, help me be a better employee, or strengthen my Christian walk. Lord, let me be one who is wise because I've chosen to listen to others.

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