Each one of these people of faith died not yet having in hand what was promised, but still believing. How did they do it? They saw it way off in the distance, waved their greeting, and accepted the fact that they were transients in this world. People who live this way make it plain that they are looking for their true home. If they were homesick for the old country, they could have gone back any time they wanted. But they were after a far better country than that - heaven country.
You can see why God is so proud of them, and has a City waiting for them.
Hebrews 11:13-16 MSG
This world is not our home. God has many promises for us. His Word is full of the ways in which He will provide for our needs. When we are hungry we will be fed, when we are sick we will be healed, when we are sad we will find joy, and when we are lost we will be found. He tells us to lay our worry at Jesus' feet and to not be afaid even in the most frightening places. God promises so much to us, but it's not always that His promise will take away the hurt and trouble......His promise is to help us through it.
One promise we can count on, as believers of Jesus Christ, is that one day we will go to heaven. One day in heaven all of these other promises will be ours for keeps, we will be healthy, we will never go hungry, we will never be sad and we will never be lost or alone. Once we can truly accept this fact, as the prophets who were praised in Hebrews 11, we can live in our present situation and keep going forward. When we can't see a worldy end to our sorrow, our illness, or our difficult situation, there is always heaven beyond. We can always choose to believe God's promises and claim them knowing that this world is not our home. Knowing and believing that some day we will be free from whatever fear holds us back, whatever pain slows us down, whatever situation tears us up......there will always be heaven! Noah, Abraham and Sara, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, David.......the list could go on.......all of these people that have gone before us, they accepted the fact that they were transients in this world. They saw heaven before them and they kept going forward in search of their prize.
In my own life I look back on my old life and sometimes think that it would be easier, maybe more fun, or less painful but I can't ignore the life that I am promised in the end. I could go back anytime I want but I have this promise of Heaven that just keeps pulling me forward. I have this promise of protection and provision that draws me ahead. I don't want to second guess God's plan for my life anymore. I don't want to look back at my old life for one more second! I want to keep doing God's work no matter how hard it gets and no matter if I see the harvest or not I want to have faith that keeps me going in all circumstances.
For some they will see great and marvelous works. They will harvest huge blessings in this life on earth and for others it will not be so. But we continue on because we have accepted that this world is not our home and for that we are truly blessed beyond measure! We live for eternity! We continue each day to see Jesus' face in heaven!
I could go on and on but I've run out of time. There are so many more - Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, the prophets......
Through acts of faith, they toppled kingdoms, made justice work, took the promises for themselves. They were protected from lions, fires, and sword thrusts, turned disadvantage to advantage, won battles, routed alien armies. Women received their loved ones back from the dead. There were those who, under torture, refused to give in and go free, preferring something better: resurrection. Others braved abuse and whips, and, yes, chains and dungeons. We have stories of those who were stoned, sawed in two, murdered in cold blood; stories of vagrants wandering the earth in animal skins, homeless, friendless, powerless - the world didn't deserve them! - making their way as best they could on the cruel edges of the world.
Hebrews 11:32-38 MSG