Thursday, December 10, 2015

Focus On His Words

No, I will not abandon you as orphans - I will come to you.
John 14:18

Sweet sweet words to my ears this morning as I wrestle with feelings of despair.  I hope you, too, have words that bring you hope and comfort when you are feeling down or discouraged.  If you don't I would suggest that you start a journal or note cards, writing, in them, all of God's promises He has for you.  Uplifting words that will keep your mind off of your circumstance and on the One who will get you out of if it.  Claim His words as your own and believe that He will do as He promises.  Stick it out!  Find what he wants for you to learn and trust there is an end to your hurt and confusion.  After all, He is not going anywhere........He will come to you!   

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