Friday, December 18, 2015

Be Willing To Change Directions

Joseph, her fiance, was a good man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly.  As he considered this, and angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream.  
"Joseph, son of David," the angel said, "do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.  For the child within her was concieved by the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 1:18-19 NLT

We all have decisions to make.  Some are big and some are small.  Some affect just ourselves and some affect the lives of others.  As we consider our decisions are we just choosing the easy way, the most logical way, the best thing for us, the Godly way, or the way that pleases others?  There are so many routes to take and the decision, for some, is very easy.  For others there is a lot at stake and making a rash decision in a moment of anger, despair, fear or excitement may mean making a big mistake.  In Joseph's case, he thought things through.  He loved Mary and had to be devistated to find out she was pregnant.  In those days this news could have gotten Mary killed!  He took all things into consideration.  He probably rationalized and came to the proper solution to cancel the wedding, but quietly so as to not put Mary's life in danger.  He didn't just think of himself.  He loved Mary and, although confused and heartbroken, He thought of her when making his decision.  He used common sense, after all who really wants to start off a marriage on those terms.  Most men in his shoes would have chosen to leave.  God gave him a brain, and logical thinking to come to a conclusion in his predicament.  But what impresses me the most, was even after all that thinking and rationalizing, Joseph was willing to let God lead him.  In a dream an angel came to him to show him the right decision, which was not what he had in mind.  Joseph could have ignored it, he could have rationalized some more, debated with the angel, made excuses for why he would not/could not marry Mary, but instead He was willing to believe God over his own thoughts.  That impresses me!  That makes me think about the decsions I make in my life and encourages me to be open and willing to let God change my mind.  I can have a lot of answers.  I can have a lot of logic and facts but if God has another plan for me then I must be willing to hear Him out.  I'm sure I've messed this up big time in the past and I do not want to encourage over thinking things but I do want to bring awareness to the fact that we must be willing to follow God.  We can't call ourselves followers if we are willing to follow His lead.  He must use all the things God gives us for making good decisions but also look to Him for advice and listen for His voice and be willing to change directions.  

As Christmas approaches put yourself in the story of Jesus' birth.  Get ready to make decisions based on God's lead.  Be willing to change directions and do things the world would disagree with.  Be open to change.  Be open to the powerful Word of God!  Dedicate all your reasoning and facts and emotions to God and trust His leading you.  The answer may be the same as you have already decided but it also may take you someplace you never dreamed possible.  Like a manger in a stable with a beautiful baby boy, the King of Kings......dare to hear God's voice and follow Him.  

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