Thursday, February 18, 2016

Stick It Out!

Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate.  
For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.
James 1:12 MSG

Unfortuantely I haven't succeeded in this in all my trials but I am finding, as my faith grows, that it really is the only way.  I've been on both sides of trials.  The side where worry takes over and fear consumes me, and then the other side that delivers a peace and strength that can only come from God.  The difference in each side is where my loyalty lies.  When my trust is anchored in Jesus Christ and I believe that whatever happens is God's best for me or the situation, I can rest in peace.  When my loyalty is found in worry and doubt then I tend to work alone and my faith falters giving me things to fear and hopelessness begins to take up residence in my heart.  

It's time we meet our challenges head on, together.  My dear friends, I know you can relate to being on the right and wrong side of challenges.  It's time we stick it out and face our problems with confidence and complete loyalty to God!  No more telling God we don't trust Him!  No more giving up before we give God a chance to show us what He's made of!  And absolutely no more doing it alone!  We must share our stories and unite together to help each other stand up against our challenges through encouragment, prayer and fellowship.  I'm sticking this out, no matter how bad I feel some days, no matter what it does to me and how many times I get knocked down!  I'm going to continue getting back up and facing my challenge because I love my God and my loyalty is with Him and nothing else............and so we pray

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