Thursday, February 4, 2016

Don't Forget!

Then the people complained and turned against Moses. "What are we going to drink?" they demanded.  
Exodus 15:24 NLT

The Israelites had just witnessed some of the most amazing miracles of all time.  After suffering at the hands of the Egyptians, for many years, they were desperate for freedom but getting out of Egypt took time and creativity.  God laid 10 different plagues on Egypt after Pharoah's heart had hardened over and over.  The Israelites, although, were often spared from these plagues because God was protecting His people.  They witnessed these signs and miracles and knew that God was their protection and hope.  The final plague, which called for the death of the firstborn babies and animals, was what finally broke Pharoah long enough to let them flee from Egypt into the wilderness.  I can't imagine seeing these plagues first hand and witnessing the wailing and groans of those who lost everthing during this time.  They lost their health, livestock, crops and children all because Pharoah was too stubborn to let the Israelites leave.

God was with them every step of the way.  He went before them as a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of light at night.  They had no reason to be afraid, safe with God at their very side!  Then as they looked behind them they saw a huge army of Egyptians chasing them as they were trapped between the Red Sea and the mountains.  They had no where to go and they began to panic.....crying out to Moses for bringing them to the wilderness to die.  Instead of remembering all the powerful miracles that God perfomed on their behalf, they quickly fell to fear and doubt.  So God showed up once again.  

Moses told the people, "Don't be afraid.  Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today.  The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.  The Lord himself will fight for you.  Just stay calm."   (Exodus 14:13-14 NLT)  And again they witnessed something so amazing.  God repositioned himself to the back of the group as a pillar of cloud at day and pillar of light at night.  He guarded the Israelites' backs until they safely crossed the Red Sea.  God parted the waters so that they could cross on dry land and as soon as they were safe He closed the waters and all the Egyptians died.  They were safe once again!  God certainly fought for them that day!  But three days later they were thirsty and began doubting again, which brings me to the above scripture.  Just three days after crossing a rushing sea on dry land, as they passed huge walls of water on both sides of them, they were complaining of thirst and wondering if God was able to save them.  

It is so easy for us to read all of this and wonder how on earth the Israelites kept loosing faith. As you continue to read in Exodus, it is easy for us to judge and even get a little angry with them for doubting after all those miracles they had witnessed.  But how different are we from the Israelites?  Do we experience miracles and blessings of God's great provision every day and still quickly forget His power and love in our life when something starts to go wrong?  I know I am guilty of it.  I am not proud to say I have feelings of doubt, but it's reality, and something I must work on daily.  This is why it was so important for the Israelites to celebrate the passover and share the stories with their children and generations to come.  It is why we are to share our stories of God's great love and provision in our own help ourselves remember in times of help others know that there is an all knowing, all powerful God who promises to care for them and protect them.  Don't keep your stories to yourself.  We need to build each other up in confidence and help one another to remember God's great stories from the bible and our own lives.  None of us wants to be like the Israelites, forgetting God so soon after the awesome miracles He performed.  We want to grow in our faith and with each day be more and more confident in His love and provision in our life.  Let's celebrate God's power!  Let's share His stories!  Let's spur one another along in faith!  
....................And so we pray      

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