Monday, February 29, 2016

I Miss You!

Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8

Like me, I'm sure you've missed someone with whom you have a relationship. Your heart longs for conversations and activities together. But lives get busy, schedules change and our children enter busy seasons of athletics and activities leaving less time for relationships. It takes an intentional change to get these relationships back on track.

And such is our relationship with God. If God feels far away, the change was on our end. God is constant. He never moves. He doesn't change. God doesn't just want our 'want and need list'. He wants real relationship. He wants depth and commitment.

Relationships take intentional work. They involve talking and sharing our hearts, dreams, and hurts. Relationships require time and sacrifice. Relationships must be a priority if they are to thrive.

Today I'm missing several people in my life. I miss our talks, laughs and tears. I miss depth of conversation. It's time to become intentional and draw near to those I love, starting with my God!

How about you?

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