Friday, February 12, 2016

A One Man Band

The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath from all things;
Acts 17:24-25

God doesn't need my help!  Unfortunately, there have been times when I thought I had to make decisions or consume my thoughts with certain things because God needed me to help Him here on earth.  And while it may seem that way, since we are His hands and feet, God can accomplish His plans with or without us if He so desires.  He is all powerful, perfectly capable of doing anything beyond what we could even begin to imagine, all on His own.  God is a One Man Band!  

Knowing all this shouldn't cause us to quit talking to Him and stop doing the right thing.  Just because God doesn't necessarily need us doesn't mean He doesn't want us.  God longs for a relationship with us and He longs to see us working on His behalf in the world.  He delights in seeing His children loving each other and living by Jesus Christ's example.  He may not need our help in accomplishing His plans but He wants our help.  He loves having conversations with us and hearing us open up to Him.  He desires to watch us grow and mature making godly decisions and placing our trust in Him.  We can't keep God locked up in our hand made churches and we can't control what He does nor help Him accomplish His plans but we can walk with Him and serve Him.  We can serve Him out of our love for Him, and nothing more.  Not because we want blessings or answers to prayer or a place in heaven, no, we shall serve God because He is the creator of the universe and He provides our every need all on His own.........He is just that good!

...............and so we pray to Him thanking Him for all He is to us and for loving us so much that He  gave His only Son so that we could join Him and the choir in heaven one day.  Thank You God!  We praise You for being this One Man Band.  For taking care of all our needs and wanting an intimate relationship with us.  We plan on serving You until the day You take us home to meet you face to face!  Show us where to go and what to do.  In Your Son's Name.........Amen  

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