Friday, July 17, 2015

Choose Joy

Let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;  Let those who love Your name be joyful in You.
-Psalm 5:11-

Recent circumstances in my life have given me plenty to be sad about, like saying good bye to a foster child.........and scared about, like welcoming a new foster child.  Earlier this summer I was disappointed when my daughter broke her leg, sad for the things she would have to miss.  I have experienced moments of anger when someone in my life was hurting at the hand of another, and confusion stirs in my heart over recent news stories of hate, abortion and same sex marriage.  So many hurts and pain in this world, it really is impossible to avoid any of it.  This is why we must put our trust in the Lord.  This is why even in the hardest situation we need to find our place of joy, in Him.  Choosing joy over our circumstance doesn't always come easy.  When we lose something, or someone we really love it is hard to be joyful.  When our pain is so fresh and deep, finding joy is near impossible, especially if our trust is in the world, in other people or man made devices.  Being joyful when all we ever hear about is pain and destruction gets very difficult.  But God defends His children and He is forever working out His plans to benefit those who love Him.  So today, no matter what your circumstance, can you choose joy?  Can you look at your pain or fear and say, "I choose joy over you, today, because my trust is in Jesus Christ my savior"................"I choose joy because any other feeling will cause me more hurt and despair..........Any other feeling of negativity will cause me to move farther away from God in this time when I need him most.........Any other feeling is not what God wants from me."  God has equipped us to stand tall over our situations.  He gives us the ability to be joyful in the midst of trial, but only if we go to the source of this strength.  Hand over the problems and choose wisely..............choose joy!

Dear God,
Help me to look beyond my problems today.  Let me hand over my fears and hurt because you defend me.  I love your name and who you are.  I put my trust in you and choose to rest in joy today.  Amen


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