Saturday, March 14, 2015


Have you ever been in your car, and as you arrived at your destination, your favorite song sounded on the radio?  It has happened to me more than once in the last couple weeks, with the same song, at the same destination, even the same time of day!!! Every time I have to get out of the car and I get so bummed, it's always at the best know, just when it gets louder and the chorus belts out of the speakers.  Well this morning it happened for the third time, very early in the morning and it hasn't left me yet.  When I finished with what I was doing when I had to leave the song I looked it up on iTunes and downloaded it to my phone because never again did I want to miss that song!  Now I have been listening to it over and over all day, and still every time I hear that chorus I get a smile on my face, tears in my eyes, and chills throughout my body.  

I have a past and in that past I have sinned a million times over.  There are things that I easily leave at Jesus' feet and the moment it spills out of my mouth I feel free, but a few of my sins seem to linger in my mind even after I have repented.  I know we all have these sins in our life and we struggle forgetting them and forgiving ourselves, but this song has so gently spoken to me in a powerful way.  Friends, we are free!!  Because Jesus died for us we are blameless, holy, forgiven, righteous, free, spotless, worthy, child of God, chosen.........WE ARE HIS!!!  

Whatever it is you just can't let go of, that sin that lingers in your mind and holds you captive, leaving you feeling just shy of free, I want to encourage you right now to lay it at His feet one last time.  Wrap it up and give it to Jesus as a gift, something that He would never give back.  Cry it out, tell Him you no longer want it.  Tell Him you are sorry for holding on to it for so long.  Accept your gift of freedom.  

Now listen to this song, put it deep into your heart and pull it out when you start to feel "less than".  My dear friend, you are so much to God.  He gave it all up for you, alone.  He chose you and He loves you.........sees you as something special.  Don't ever let satan or anyone else tell you different!  Oh!  and one more thing......walk around today like you own the joint :)  You are a child of God!  Lift your head high, smile at everyone and share the love of Jesus.  

(click to listen)

Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body.  As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.
- Colossians 1:22 -

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