Friday, December 13, 2013

The 12 Gifts Of Christmas: Love

The Twelve Days of Christmas is a very popular song dating back to 1780.  Since we are approaching Christmas Mary and I would like to share with you a different perspective on this timeless tradition.  Some research on Wikipedia revealed that there are several variations of this timeless Christmas carol, of the 10 listed, 9 start out like this: “On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me”......Our remix of this classic Christmas carol is based on the gifts we received when Jesus was born.  We believe that our true love is God and He indeed sent us an amazing gift Who brought with Him many other gifts to share.  Although the twelve days in this song are referring to the twelve days after Christmas, we are way too excited to share these gifts so waiting until after Christmas......well it’s just not happening. 

The first gift of Christmas our True Love sent to us:

   Love started when the world began.  Genesis 1 describes the beginning of time like this: in 6 days God created light; sky and water; land, seas and vegetation; sun moon and stars; fish and birds; animals, man and woman.  After every day He thought His creation was good.  I  envision Him getting giddy at the sight of His beautiful creation that was made just for His children as an expression of His deep love for us.  God chose to create us and he chose to create the earth for us to enjoy.  In the beginning we were loved. 

The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world (John 1:9).

Jesus played a part in the earths creation.  He was present when the world began (Colossians 1:15-17), but it wasn’t until later that He would be given to us in the flesh.  As if creating the beautiful world wasn't enough, God would eventually send us Jesus who would be the ultimate sign of God’s affection for us.  
So the Word became human and made His home among us.  He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.  And we have seen His glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only son. (John 1:14).

A little over 2000 years ago God gave us His Son!  Jesus was born in a dirty stable and placed in a manger.  He was the most unlikely King, but a beautiful story unfolds as we learn about the love that God shared with us on that dark night.  Jesus was given to us from God to save us from our sins.  He was the final sacrifice in a world full of religious sacrifices and laws.  He would come to take away our sins and give us hope for eternal life in heaven.    

Because of His amazing love for us, God gave us perfect love, in the flesh, when He gave us Jesus. Yes, God loves us and through Jesus, He gives us the most meaningful and lasting gift.  Usually one would save the best for last, but in this case we simply cannot. In order to be able to share with you the remaining eleven gifts, we must first share the best gift, love.   

God showed how much He loved us by sending His only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him.  This is real love.  It is not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins (1 John 4:9-10).   

Jesus was born for us!  Jesus is our gift, He is love!  Jesus is God’s love in human form.  Jesus was the perfect, sinless, spotless lamb who could be sacrificed to save us from hell.  Laying down His life He loved us with all He had.  This love cannot be earned, it is truly a gift.  But, not the kind of gift that is placed on a shelf or hung on the wall to look at.  No, God’s gift of love was one to be used.  We are to take that love and share it with the world.  Jesus is our model of love.  Jesus is our source of love.  Jesus is love!     

 [Jesus] is patient and kind.  [Jesus] is not jealous or boastful or proud, or rude.  [Jesus] does not demand His own way.  [Jesus] is not irritable, and He keeps no record of when He has been wronged.  [He] is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  [Jesus] never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

The love described above is unconditional.  It is the love that we have been given by our Father in heaven and it is the same love that we are to share with others (John 13:34).  When we were given Jesus we were given the ability to love like Jesus.  With willing hearts we are capable of portraying every one of the characteristics listed above.  When we accept Jesus as our savior we are allowing Him to love through us.  We are inviting Him into our hearts and we are given the ability to love just like God loves us.    

Thank you God for the ultimate gift!  When Christ came into this world You showered us with perfect love.  Yes, your perfect love existed, for us, since the day of creation but you unselfishly offered it up when you gave us your only son as a sacrifice for our sins.  We celebrate Jesus’ birth, but more importantly, we celebrate the love He represents.  We would be nothing without Your gift of Love!  God help us to re-gift your love this Christmas.  Over the next few weeks, when we see baby Jesus in a picture or displayed on our table remind us what Christmas is all about.  Help us to give gifts for the sole purpose of sharing your love with another.  Remind us of Your love that lives within our hearts and help us to portray that love to the world.  

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