Friday, December 27, 2013

Miracles Are For You

God’s miracles date way back the to beginning of time.  Throughout the months we have given many examples of God’s miracles.  Here are a few I can think of off the top of my head....The plagues that caused Pharaoh to soften and harden his heart over and over.  The parting of the Red Sea that enabled the Israelites to escape slavery in Egypt.  Joshua’s battle at Jericho.  Queen Esther’s position of saving her people.  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s trip into the fiery furnace.  Daniel’s sleepover in the Lion’s den.  The list in the Old Testament, alone, could go on and on. 

It is Christmas, so obviously I have been thinking a lot about Mary’s miracle conception.  I read a great devotion today that made me think deeper into her circumstance and then I thought of my own life.  When Mary was visited by the angel and she was told that she was to be pregnant with a son right away she asked how that could be since she was a virgin.  She was a smart girl and I don’t doubt that she followed God’s will and lived a holy life, she undertsood that to have a baby she had to have relations with a man.  The angel explained to her the details of that conception and then just happened to mention that her aunt Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant, as well.  Mary knew how old her aunt was and that she was barren, apparently the angel did too which is most likely why he finished that small bit of information with: “For nothing is impossible with God” Luke 1:37

I can’t help but think that Mary was absolutely speechless after the angel left, I know I would have been.  I can just imagine the questions running through her mind.  But how did she respond?......”I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants.  May everything you have said come true.”  What.......Are you serious?  Just like that she believes and agrees to such a far fetched story?  She had no questions for the disagreeing with him or long discussions as to exactly how this would all work out?  No, she agreed and believed......and she didn’t stop there.  

Mary believed in the miracles that God could perform.  Growing up she listened as her family shared the stories passed down by their ancestors.  She grew up talking about the miracles listed above.  She heard the things that were possible with God and she believed they could happen to her.  Some of us may be a lot like Mary in that we grew up hearing bible stories.  We saw pictures and sang songs about the many miracles God performed.  Even today we may share those miracles with our children and grandchildren but do we believe they can happen to us?

Mary proved her belief by altering her lifestyle to line up with God’s will for her future.  She got married and started thinking like a mother does.  She was young, had to most likely start taking life a little more seriously.  I can imagine she had to turn down many invitations to hang out with friends.  Some of those friends probably even treated her harshly and stopped talking to her all together because of the rumors that were being spread about her.  Her life had to change in order for her to accept God’s plan for her life.  Hearing God’s miracle and believing it would happen affected her life.   

Has God spoken clearly to you concerning a miracle in your life?  Has he given you a glimpse into a new future or shown you a direction He wants you to go?  Is there a miracle that you are asking of God?  Do you have a request for God, and more importantly, are you willing to change your life or perspective to allow Him to achieve it in your life?  Miracles aren’t just for people in the bible.  Miracles happen to people like you and me.  God wants to give us miracles but it is up to us to believe they can happen!  He needs us to believe Him completely and change our life so that we can receive all the blessings He has to go with that miracle.  Every day brings moments that hold big choices and important decisions.  If we ask for a miracle but don’t believe it will happen........don’t arrange our life around that belief, plan for it, look for it, act on it......the blessings won’t come.  Believing is an action.  We can’t just say we believe and leave it there.  Believing God takes commitment and courage.  Having faith in God to answer your prayers means you have to live your life like He has already answered them, thanking Him and planning for the day His answers will come.  Belief means trusting a vision He gives you and running with it.......change jobs, go back to school, build a building, write a book.  Whatever the vision or need just believe that nothing is impossible for God!  Amen and amen!!  

I love you all so much and I pray that something will change in you today.  That you will gain a new perspective and gain a faith that screams crazy to those who just don’t understand.  Take a leap of faith and believe in a much bigger God to give YOU a miracle!  

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